In order to form strong soil-concrete structures in parallel with the introduction of binder, an additive with a multicomponent composition that is activating the structure-forming process should be applied. Such addi-tive is usually called stabilizer of soil, its introduction allows achieving a positive effect for soils with a high proportion of finely dispersed fraction in its composition.
The article considers the main aspects of use in road construction of complex soil reinforcement by introducing a stabilizer and binding component. This technology will solve the problems of deficiency of high-quality traditional raw materials, lead to better physical and mechanical properties, increase labor productivity and reduce production costs.
As a result of the carried out studies, principles for improving the quality characteristics of reinforced soil were developed, taking into account the mineral composition of clay raw materials. As the main hypothesis of the study an increase in the hydrophobicity of stabilized soil by blocking the hydrophilic centers of clay rocks should be marked. This circumstance helps to reduce the consumption of cement in the reinforced soil without reducing the operational and physical-mechanical characteristics.
The dependence of the degree of effectiveness of the introduced stabilizing additive on the structural and chemical characteristics of clay rocks has been established, which decreases from montmorillonite and X-ray amorphous phases to kaolinite. Mixed layered formations, illite and chlorite act as intermediate minerals. Aluminosilicates act as the filler in this system that do not come into contact with the molecules of the stabilizer. To assess the degree of efficiency of interaction of the components of a soil-concrete mixture as an integral indicator it is necessary to use the cationic capacity of the soil.
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