This article discusses the possibility of using artificial ceramic binders obtained by the technology of highly concentrated binder suspensions in the production of ceramic materials and products. The results of complex studies of suspensions of artificial ceramic binders based on feldspar and quartz sand, as well as the results of tests of the samples obtained on their basis are presented. A definite advantage of entering the suspensions in the molding compositions of the slurries used in the manufacture of certain varieties of pottery is proved. The solution of the problem of import substitution of raw materials components, caused mainly by the difficult political situation in the country, as well as the lack of its own raw material base of good quality, in connection with which the paper proposes the use of technology of highly concentrated binder suspensions, which allows to optimize the quality of domestic raw materials. The use of technology of highly concentrated binder suspensions, allows not only to expand the assortment and range of products produced by this technology, but also to improve the quality and economic feasibility of individual varieties of ceramics. The emphasis on the introduction of technology of highly concentrated binding suspensions in certain areas of ceramics production is explained by the formation of a completely different structure of materials due to the increased content of nanoparticles in the composition of artificial ceramic binding suspensions, which contributes to a significant increase in mechanical strength while optimizing other basic technological quality indicators for ceramic materials and products. The possibility of reducing the firing temperature by 50-100°C, however, this issue requires additional research.
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