Fiber concrete is one of the types of effective building materials that ensure the operational reliability of structures due to a set of unique properties. However, the maximum physicomechanical characteristics of this type of products are achieved only if the fiber is evenly distributed in the concrete matrix and the optimum ratio of raw materials is reached. In this connection, the aim of the work was to increase the production efficiency of fiber-reinforced concrete by optimizing the formulation and technological parameters of its manufacture. The optimal method of introducing the fiber into the concrete mix and the type of superplasticizer were previously determined, which allowed ensuring the maximum physicomechanical characteristics of the products. Optimization of prescription parameters was carried out using the method of mathematical planning of the experiment, where the amount of cement, superplasticizer and basalt fiber were varied. After processing the results, the dependences of the compressive strength on variable factors were obtained, which would allow to select the optimal dosages of raw materials for given mechanical characteristics of the products.
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