Directed regulation of asphalt concrete properties is an important condition for obtaining a durable material that minimizes operating costs. One of such perspective directions is modification of building compositions by nanoscale objects. The method of modification of mineral powder from dolomite by carbon nanotubes is considered in the work, and results of tests of asphalt concrete on its basis are given. It is shown that the use of nanomodified dispersed dolomite in the technology of preparation of asphalt concrete mixture on the surface of the grains of mineral material forms a strong, high-temperature resistant layer of structured bitumen. The increase in the dynamic viscosity of bitumen and the complex shear modulus under the influence of CNT contributes to the change in the yield strength of asphalt concrete above the maximum shear stresses, which leads to a slight accumulation of residual plastic deformations in the plate in the study of the resistance to ruts. Thus, modification of bitumen and asphalt concrete with nanoscale additives can be an effective tool in the fight against plastic deformations such as shifts, surges and rutting in hot climates, for example, in Jordan.
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