In the modern world, in using land resources, we are faced with a number of problems, this is more expressed in megacities, because the majority of the population of our planet lives in these territories.
The article briefly analyzes the current state of Krasnoyarsk, physical-geographical and economic conditions of the city development. The issues of territorial planning in the city are considered on the example of the microdistrict "Pokrovsky". High-rise buildings and their crowding influenced on the formation of wind flows and dispersion of impurities. It is established that the building affects the wind speed, reducing it by nearly 25-30% compared to the undeveloped urban part. In a dense building, the wind speed can be reduced to 70%. Inefficient land use model is reflected in the quality of the living environment, including the connectivity of the territory. The infrastructure is developed for children of younger preschool age-yard areas are everywhere equipped with children's game elements. Social adaptability for the elderly in the district is poorly expressed. The issue of parking spaces is acute, and their lack indicates the impossibility of creating a neighborhood with a high level of quality of life. Local prob-lems include the construction of noise screens along major highways, which have a low-quality design and technical solution. The provision of public transport is unsatisfactory. Spatially in the "intercession" we need a clear separation of yards and public spaces. Due to this, within the four large neighborhoods-quarters there will be a quasi-quarterly structure that helps to organize the hierarchy of spaces, eliminating or minimizing transit traffic through the yards.
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