This article discusses some new modern technologies in the construction of highways. The paper analyzes the use of such innovations as: various modifiers added to bitumen; advanced technologies of engineering surveys and computer-aided design of highways; geosynthetic materials for reinforcing the roadbed and asphalt concrete pavement; PBB; bituminous polymer road belts; geotextile; foam-glass rubble; rubber crumb. The advantages of using innovations in road construction are highlighted. Obstacles to the use of certain technologies are noted, taking into account the Russian reality.
The author concludes that the use of innovative materials becomes economically justified at the stage of construction and subsequent operation of the road surface. New technologies can not only improve the quality of roads, but also improve road safety.
Innovations lead to progressive changes and ensure the dynamic development of the construction industry, primarily by reducing the cost and timing of construction, improving the quality of constructed facilities, and improving the comfort of living and operation.
The paper discusses classical methods for the design works of the foundation and the GM made a review of modern structures and technologies on their device. In order to assess the possibility of using linear calculation for sheet piling fences, deep pit modeling was performed in the SCAD and PLAXIS software systems.
The results of the work are the following conclusions:
1. the method of increasing the efficiency of technologies at the device walling of the pit is proposed;
2. a finite element model of soil and GM collaboration was created.
To evaluate the effectiveness of the options, we used decision-making methods based on optimization criteria, taking into account the degree of risks involved in the work.
It is established that the necessary factor is the geotechnical support of technological impacts, which allows monitoring of works on the degree of safety and impact on highways.
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