Evdokimov P.A.

Postgraduate, National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering, Russia


The article describes the problems of assessing the anthropogenic impact of human activity on natural com-plexes surrounding urbanized territories.
Among the main research tasks are development of methodological foundations for assessing the quantitative and qualitative composition at anthropogenic impact on natural complexes surrounding urban areas.
The main method of this research include a dialectical approach that focuses on generally accepted logical research methods (analysis, systematic approach, generalization) and their synthesis using relevant information materials.
The author considered various methods of assessing the impact of various factors on the environment, and also carried out the examination of urban decisions related to the appointment of a category (status) the natural resources included in the urban environment in Moscow.
The Russian capital is a European metropolis, the largest city-millionaire in Europe and a typical object of research to identify the effects of various anthropogenic factors. The implementation at economic activity in the metropolis is accompanied by the emergence of problems, the solution of which has not been found yet.
Analysis of methods for assessing the impact at the various factors on the environment was carried out taking into account the provisions in regulatory documents governing the appointment for protected areas urban environment. Provisions of regulatory documents and decisions of executive authorities designed to use natural (forest) resources in urban environments.
The absence of approved methods for assessing certain types of land plots with a protected status was identified.
The main factors affecting the quality of biogeocenosis were identified. The main features of the application methods for assessing the status and possibility in recreational development in territories of varying degrees at development are considered.