Salamanova M.Sh.

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Director of the Scientific and Technical Center for Collective Use «Modern Building Materials and Technologies», Grozny State Oil Technical University named after academician M.D. Millionshchikov

Development of geopolymer binders
The scale of consumption of raw materials is large, and to a greater extent, it is the building materials industry that has a detrimental effect on the environment, thereby disturbing the pristine appearance and landscape of nature. Production volumes of Portland cement clinker have exceeded the mark of 5 billion tons per year. But the key dilemma lies in the emission of greenhouse gases, because during the high-temperature processing of raw materials to produce clinker, carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide are released into the atmosphere.
At the same time, slag-alkali and geopolymer binders can be considered as an alternative to resource-intensive Portland cement; they have found practical application in many developed countries of the world. A large backlog of research has allowed the authors of the work to model materials of both technogenic and natural origin “technogenic reaction powder – natural component – alkaline activator” in one binder system. Microanalysis confirmed the effectiveness of the integrated use of sodium silicofluoride and finely dispersed bentonite additives in the binder system, which had a beneficial effect on the pore structure of the stone and the properties of the cement stone.
Using a properly designed binder composition “aspiration dust – finely dispersed bentonite – sodium silicofluoride – alkaline binder”, it is possible to obtain high-quality and durable composites with a low carbon footprint, thereby solving many environmental problems.