75-84 стр.
Работа посвящена исследованию плазменно-электролитного процесса реализуемого в условиях катодной полярности активного металлического электрода и его погружении в электролит для получения микро- и наночастиц оксида титана, а также частиц титана размером до 10 мкм, покрытых оксидом титана. Установлено влияние два режима горения разряда, отличающихся тепловыделением и концентрации раствора электролита на распределение частиц по размерам. Повышение напряжения может приводить к горению разряда в дуговом режиме за счет термоэмиссиии электронов и интенсивного нагрева катода-титана. Это в свою очередь приводит к образованию частиц титана размером до 10 мкм, поверхность которых окислена. Установлено что горение разряда в режиме с меньшим тепловыделением приводит к формиро-ванию частиц оксида титана размером менее 1 мкм. Данные порошки можно использовать в аддитивном производстве, порошковой металлургии и в качестве добавок в композиционных материалах.
[1] Bao B., Wang Z., Thushara D., Liyanage A., Gunawardena S., Yang Z. et al. Recent advances in microfluidics-based chromatography – a mini review // Separations. 2021. № 8. P. 3.
[2] Lopez D.A., Green A., Bell D.S. What is on your HPLC particle? A look at stationary phase chemistry synthesis // LC/GC North America. 2020. № 38. P. 488 – 493.
[3] Fekete S., Murisier A., Losacco G.L., Lawhorn J., Godinho J.M., Ritchie H. et al. Using 1.5 mm internal diameter columns for optimal compatibility with current liquid chromatographic systems // Journal of Chromatography. 2021. № 1650. P. 462258.
[4] Szabolcs F., Erzsébet O., Jenő F. Fast liquid chromatography: The domination of core-shell and very fine particles // Journal of Chromatography. March 9, 2012. Vol. 1228. P. 57 – 71.
[5] Bell D.S. New liquid chromatography columns and accessories // LC/GC North America. 2019. № 37. P. 232 – 243.
[6] Blumberg L.M. Column length is a structure-independent measure of solvent consumption in liquid chromatography // Journal of Chromatography. 2022. № 1662. P. 462727.
[7] Recent developments in LC column technology, Supplement to LC/GC North America 38. 2020. № s6.
[8] Xuan Q.Q.H., Zhang K., Chen X., Ding Y., Feng S., Xu Q. Core-shell silica particles with dendritic pore channels impregnated with zeolite imidazolate framework-8 for high performance liquid chromatography separation // Journal of Chromatography. 2017. № 1505. P. 63 – 68.
[9] Richar Hayes, Adham Ahmed, Tony Edge, Haifei Zhang. Core-shell particles: Preparation, fundamentals and applications in high performance liquid chromatography // Journal of Chromatography. 29 August 2014. Vol. 1357. P. 36 – 52.
[10] Kashapov L., Kashapov N., Kashapov R. Research of the impact acidity of electrolytic cathode on the course of the plasma-electrolytic process // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 2013. № 479. Issue 1. P. 012011.
[11] Denisov D., Kashapov N., Kashapov R. The appearance of shock waves in the plasma electrolytic processing // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. 26 июнь 2015. № 86. Issue 1. P. 012005.
[12] Kashapov R., Kashapov N., Kashapov L. Investigations of the growth of the vapor-air shell of a gas discharge with a liquid electrolytic cathode of sodium hydroxide solution //Journal of Physics Conference Series. November 2017. № 927 (1). P. 012085.
[13] Kashapov R., Kashapov N., Kashapov L. Research of plasma-electrolyte discharge in the processes of obtaining metallic powders // Journal of Physics Conference Series. November 2017. № 927 (1). P. 012086.
[14] Kashapov N., Kashapov R., Kashapov L. Influence of the electrolytic cathode temperature on the self-sustaining mechanism of plasma-electrolyte discharge. September 2018 // Journal of Physics D Applied Physics. № 51 (49).
[15] Tanabe I., Ozaki Y. Far- and deep-ultraviolet spectroscopic investigations for titanium dioxide: electronic absorption, Rayleigh scattering, and Raman spectroscopy // J. Mater. Chem. C. 2016. № 4. P. 7706.
[2] Lopez D.A., Green A., Bell D.S. What is on your HPLC particle? A look at stationary phase chemistry synthesis // LC/GC North America. 2020. № 38. P. 488 – 493.
[3] Fekete S., Murisier A., Losacco G.L., Lawhorn J., Godinho J.M., Ritchie H. et al. Using 1.5 mm internal diameter columns for optimal compatibility with current liquid chromatographic systems // Journal of Chromatography. 2021. № 1650. P. 462258.
[4] Szabolcs F., Erzsébet O., Jenő F. Fast liquid chromatography: The domination of core-shell and very fine particles // Journal of Chromatography. March 9, 2012. Vol. 1228. P. 57 – 71.
[5] Bell D.S. New liquid chromatography columns and accessories // LC/GC North America. 2019. № 37. P. 232 – 243.
[6] Blumberg L.M. Column length is a structure-independent measure of solvent consumption in liquid chromatography // Journal of Chromatography. 2022. № 1662. P. 462727.
[7] Recent developments in LC column technology, Supplement to LC/GC North America 38. 2020. № s6.
[8] Xuan Q.Q.H., Zhang K., Chen X., Ding Y., Feng S., Xu Q. Core-shell silica particles with dendritic pore channels impregnated with zeolite imidazolate framework-8 for high performance liquid chromatography separation // Journal of Chromatography. 2017. № 1505. P. 63 – 68.
[9] Richar Hayes, Adham Ahmed, Tony Edge, Haifei Zhang. Core-shell particles: Preparation, fundamentals and applications in high performance liquid chromatography // Journal of Chromatography. 29 August 2014. Vol. 1357. P. 36 – 52.
[10] Kashapov L., Kashapov N., Kashapov R. Research of the impact acidity of electrolytic cathode on the course of the plasma-electrolytic process // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 2013. № 479. Issue 1. P. 012011.
[11] Denisov D., Kashapov N., Kashapov R. The appearance of shock waves in the plasma electrolytic processing // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. 26 июнь 2015. № 86. Issue 1. P. 012005.
[12] Kashapov R., Kashapov N., Kashapov L. Investigations of the growth of the vapor-air shell of a gas discharge with a liquid electrolytic cathode of sodium hydroxide solution //Journal of Physics Conference Series. November 2017. № 927 (1). P. 012085.
[13] Kashapov R., Kashapov N., Kashapov L. Research of plasma-electrolyte discharge in the processes of obtaining metallic powders // Journal of Physics Conference Series. November 2017. № 927 (1). P. 012086.
[14] Kashapov N., Kashapov R., Kashapov L. Influence of the electrolytic cathode temperature on the self-sustaining mechanism of plasma-electrolyte discharge. September 2018 // Journal of Physics D Applied Physics. № 51 (49).
[15] Tanabe I., Ozaki Y. Far- and deep-ultraviolet spectroscopic investigations for titanium dioxide: electronic absorption, Rayleigh scattering, and Raman spectroscopy // J. Mater. Chem. C. 2016. № 4. P. 7706.
Кашапов Р.Н., Кашапов Н.Ф., Кашапов Л.Н., Клюев С.В. Плазменно-электролитное получение порошка оксида титана // Строительные материалы и изделия. 2022. Том 5. № 6. С. 75 – 84. https://doi.org/10.58224/2618-7183-2022-5-6-75-84