Garafiev A.M.

Postgraduate, Kazan State University of Architecture and Engineering, Department «Construction Production Technologies», Russia

Structure and properties of modified shungite concrete during electrode heating
Concrete composition modifying by different electrically conductive components is one of less laborious but relatively effective methods between wide variety of electrode concrete heating effectiveness improvement methods. The purpose of this study is investigation of special aspects of cement systems modified by powdered shungite (Ssp 400 m2/kg) in combination with active mineral and plasticizing admixtures that harden under electrode heating at below zero temperatures. By the method of differential thermal analysis anomaly of exothermic reaction of cement stone specimens was discovered, that is due to formation of hydrated calcium silicate С2SH (A) discovered by the method of quantitative XRDA, and is verified by results received from scanning electron microscopy method, which among other factors provides higher strength and low permeability to these composites. Stabil-ity of cement systems modified by shungite and curing under electrode heating has been proved.