The requirements of modern construction are the strength of building structures, as well as low cost. It is these conditions that provide new technologies that are constantly being improved. The article is devoted to the consideration of cases of a probabilistic approach to solving the problem of theoretical energy consumption for the destruction of concrete of ideal structure.
The processes of concrete deformation and its destruction are studied by building mechanics. Concrete is a multicomponent material, which presents a certain difficulty in the study of crack formation. In operating conditions, the concrete/reinforced concrete structure is affected by the properties of its constituent materials; therefore, one of the most important tasks is the selection of criteria that can comprehensively characterize the basic parameters of concrete. Obtaining the strength characteristics of concrete of operated structures remains an urgent task. The article proposes to consider the ideal structure of concrete. The features of this structure are the symmetry of fracture along two principal planes. The destruction of concrete was carried out by sawing individual strips of concrete. Moreover, to describe the sawing process, the authors proposed a model of a symmetric structure of concrete in which aggregate grains are idealized. They are presented in the form of balls in the body of concrete.
The features of the sawing process are revealed. The analytical dependencies of fracture sawing the ideal structure of concrete are obtained.
Conclusions are drawn about the possibility of using the ideal model for obtaining the strength characteristics of concrete. The analysis of symmetrical ideal concrete compositions with various variables is performed. The significance of the work done lies in the possibility of transferring the research results to real buildings and structures and solving the main tasks that are posed in the study.
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