The scientific and technological principles of metallization of products on the basis of wood with use of plasma high-temperature dispersion are developed. For the purpose of prevention of impact of the highest temperatures of a plasma stream on a front surface wood and fibrous board (fibreboard) an intermediate layer was put.
The structure of an intermediate protective layer, the including mix of epoxy resin with refractory filler is developed. Operation of drawing a protective intermediate layer included several specially developed technological stages. For the subsequent metallization such non-ferrous metals as copper and aluminum in the form of a wire are used. Optimum parameters of plasma dusting of metals on a front surface of a fibreboard are determined
The protective and decorative covering on the basis of non-ferrous metals had high aesthetic consumption and performance properties. The covering possessed the increased coefficient of diffusive reflection and high durability of coupling with a matrix. The dependence of influence of thickness of the raised dust metal covering on durability of coupling of a covering with a substrate is established.
The developed technology of metallization of products from wood in comparison with traditional technologies, allows to lower significantly time of metallization and energy consumption and to increase competitiveness of products both on internal, and on external the markets.
The structure of an intermediate protective layer, the including mix of epoxy resin with refractory filler is developed. Operation of drawing a protective intermediate layer included several specially developed technological stages. For the subsequent metallization such non-ferrous metals as copper and aluminum in the form of a wire are used. Optimum parameters of plasma dusting of metals on a front surface of a fibreboard are determined
The protective and decorative covering on the basis of non-ferrous metals had high aesthetic consumption and performance properties. The covering possessed the increased coefficient of diffusive reflection and high durability of coupling with a matrix. The dependence of influence of thickness of the raised dust metal covering on durability of coupling of a covering with a substrate is established.
The developed technology of metallization of products from wood in comparison with traditional technologies, allows to lower significantly time of metallization and energy consumption and to increase competitiveness of products both on internal, and on external the markets.