The specificity of the construction of roads is the use of a huge amount of various stone materials - sand, gravel, etc. To reduce the cost of road pavements, it is possible to replace stone materials with local soils. Such materials do not need to be transported by road or rail. It is known that most soils cannot be used in the construction of the road bed (sandy loam and loam are light dusty and heavy dusty, clay dusty and oily), as their use leads to the appearance of various deformations of the upper layers of road pavement. This problem can be solved by strengthening the soil with various types of binders, in particular, clinker waste. When conducting experimental studies to assess the effectiveness of the use of waste clinker production to strengthen the soil the following compositions without using: soil and 9% waste; soil and 18% waste; soil and 27% waste were investigated. As a result of the research, the main dependences of the changes in the physical and mechanical parameters of the soil concrete on the amount of waste clinker production introduced into the composition of various types of soils were identified. It was found that the use of waste clinker production to strengthen the loam allowed to obtain a reinforced soil brand M20. Strengthening sand with clinker production without the addition of cement is not practical, as the samples do not gain even minimal strength for 180 days, which allows them to be classified by brand, in addition, such samples have extremely low resistance.
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