Replacing portland cement with composite binders in many construction spheres is becoming increasingly reasonable. A prerequisite for this is the ability to provide the binder with set of properties necessary for the most effective implementation of a particular practical task at minimum expense. Such optimization allows in some cases to achieve higher performance than the original cement, in others – to form new properties of the material, as well as provide direct or indirect savings of various resources. One of the most important parameters determining the strength characteristics of composites and their durability is the used binder water requirement. Furthermore in some cases the mixture must have certain rheological characteristics. Various types and generations plasticizing and water reducing additives are widely used to regulate these parameters. The article discusses relation of fine components electrosurface properties – the clinker component and various genetic types mineral additives for the main types of plasticizers magnitude diluting effect. The basic mechanisms and regularities are described, recommendations that allow to optimize the consumption of expensive additives or increasing their effectiveness in solving various practical problems are formulated.
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