At present, the problem of air quality in large cities with a large number of cars and industrial enterprises is acute. Normative documents on the basis of which the ventilation system is designed regulate the cleaning of the outside air from dust. Purification from gaseous contaminants as well as suspended aerosols such doc-uments do not regulate. According to the results of the study of air quality in Moscow over the past few years, an increased content of pollutants such as NO, CO, CO2, SO2 has been registered. Near busy highways during “rush hours” the vehicles locally “burn” oxygen in the air and emitted products of combustion even more reduce the relative concentration of oxygen in the air. Also, a large number of pollutants come from industrial and agricultural enterprises. The use of additional purification filters in ventilation systems, such as photocatalytic filter, adsorption filter can reduce the concentration of gaseous pollutants to an acceptable minimum, but they will not solve the problem of low oxygen content. Inhalation of air in excess of MPC for a long time may cause irreversible health effects. In this regard, the task of creating artificial respiratory atmospheres becomes relevant. The greatest relevance of air quality and sufficient oxygen content is for children's institutions, as well as special services, the work of which is associated with an increased concentration of attention. The problem of air pollution with aerosols and fine dust has become particularly relevant due to the significant increase in respiratory tract diseases and various allergies.
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