Sabitov L.S.

Doctor of Engineering Sciences (Advanced Doctor), Professor, Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, Department of Structural and Design Engineering

Probabilistic analysis of the “multilayer soil – structure” system response to seismic load
Based on the analytical model of a horizontal layered medium, applying the probabilistic formulation, the article presents the results of the investigation of joint work of a structure and multilayer soil bed subjected to seismic loading. The damping properties of soil were taken into account. The authors drew a comparison between the fundamental frequencies of the free vibrations of the “soil - structure” system obtained using the layered medium model and the platform model. By the example of a two-layer soil bed, the dependence of the resonant frequencies of the system on the thickness of the near-surface or buried weak layer was determined.
The results of the analysis of the “two-layer soil - structure” system for seismic loads at various locations of the weak layer were presented. The seismic acceleration of the soil bed was modeled as a stationary random process with a given spectral density. The investigation included an analysis of the amplitude-frequency characteristics, acceleration spectral densities and dynamic coefficients for both the entire system and the individual layers. It was demonstrated that the resonant frequencies of an individual layer being a part of the multilayer system can differ significantly from the resonant frequencies of a homogeneous soil bed with similar dynamic characteristics. A comparison between the dynamic responses of the two-layer soil bed system and a system with the reduced characteristics of the soil bed was drawn at various parameters of the spectral density of seismic load. The intervals of possible values of the resonant frequencies of the system were determined taking into account the random variability of the velocity of transverse waves within each layer.

The effect of temperature difference on bending of external panel walls
One of the most common structural systems of buildings intended for various purposes is a prefabricated panel system of factory-made elements assembled on-site. Single-layer structures made of lightweight concrete are widely used as envelopes of these buildings. In buildings operated under various climatic conditions, exterior wall panels, as well as other envelopes, are exposed to thermal deformations and, accordingly, changes in the stress-strain state. As the temperature changes, corresponding stresses and deformations occur across the thickness of the exterior panels. To analyze their values, the bending moments and support reactions of single-layer lightweight concrete panels of different length and thickness in the range of temperature differences from 0 °С to 65 °С have been calculated. It was found that the bending moments and support reactions of 1,500 mm long panels decrease as the thickness of the panels increases over the entire temperature gradient. The values of bending moments and support reactions of panels with length of 3,000, 4,500 and 6,000 mm decrease only when the temperature rises from 0 to 10 °С, in the rest of the range 15–65 °С – increase as the thickness of the panel increases due to the bending stiffness.

Stress-strain state during the formation of normal cracks in three-layer bendable reinforced concrete elements under the action of longitudinal and transverse forces
Most wall panels in operating multi-storey residential buildings are in a complex stress-strain state under the influence of vertical and horizontal loads, such as their own weight, wind, etc. These features must be taken into account in the calculation in order to ensure operational safety. The combination of vertical and horizontal forces acting simultaneously for three-layer bending elements leads to the fact that the boundary between the compressed and tensile zones not only moves from one layer to another, but also has a different geometric shape depending on the ratio between the vertical and horizontal load. The stress-strain state during the formation of normal cracks in three-layer bendable reinforced concrete elements is caused by the impact on layers of different concretes. The formation of normal cracks occurs due to the achievement of ultimate tensile strength by the most stretched concrete under the influence of external loads. Since three-layer reinforced concrete elements consist of two outer layers (reinforced concrete) and a middle layer (lightweight concrete), when such an element bends, the outer layers are subject to compression, and the middle layer is subject to tension. The boundary of the compressed zone can be located either in one of the outer layers or intersect the middle layer, which falls into both the compressed and stretched zones. To analyze the stress-strain state during the formation of normal cracks, it is necessary to take into account the fol-lowing parameters: geometric characteristics of the element (dimensions and shape of the section, layer thickness, etc.), physical and mechanical properties of concrete (compressive and tensile strength, elastic modulus, Poisson's ratio, crack resistance coefficient, etc.), characteristics of reinforcement (class, diameter, pitch of bars, etc.) and its location in the section.