Оn a number of examples, the significance and need for the introduction and development of “smart homes” in Russian cities are revealed. This paper describes the development of architecture, new innovations and technologies, modern materials. All this can significantly improve the lives of everyone, especially the life of older people and people with disabilities. Remote control and automation of devices, by expanding existing functionalities, such as heating control, by increasing safety, or by providing assistance services by means of monitoring, warning and detecting health problems, is undoubtedly a technological breakthrough. Also, much attention was paid to the use of innovative intellectual materials to improve environmental sustainability, economic efficiency and safety. New technologies and high-performance materials are being developed to meet these needs, offering creative and innovative solutions to long-standing problems that are especially negative for the environment. The study will discuss and analyze the integration of smart materials, technology and architecture, which promises to transform architectural thought so that we can hardly imagine it today.
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