Belgorod region is one of the leading regions in housing construction, especially private households. This is due to the high demand for finishing materials, in particular, dry plaster and putty mixtures, produced main-ly on the basis of gypsum. However, local producers of such products can hardly compete with imported products due to lower prices. The reason for this is the absence in Belgorod Region, as in many other regions of Russia, of gypsum deposits and, as a result, its rather high cost exceeds that of Portland cement. Such a situation makes the actual development of cement-based finishing mixtures, corresponding to gypsum consumer qualities. The main problems of obtaining plaster compositions based on Portland cement is its excessive activity, low water-holding capacity and, as a result, poor workability and adhesion to the base. The classic solution to this problem is the introduction of a fine component (clay or lime) into such a solution, which makes the solution suitable for plastering, but does not allow Portland cement to realize its strength potential, therefore, does not ensure the effectiveness of its use. Giving the cement-sand mortar the desired properties due to polymer modifiers (structuring and thickening) is unjustified due to their high cost and high consumption. In this regard, at this stage of research, the task was to obtain a mineral system based on Portland cement with properties maximally adapted to obtain plaster mixtures, in order to further produce its modification with the above-mentioned additives at their minimum consumption. Composite binders consisting of a clinker part and a mineral additive were chosen as a tool for solving the problem posed. Due to the choice of the ratio of components, their type and dispersion, processing modes, it is possible to vary the properties of the products obtained within considerable limits.
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