Sinitsin D.A.

Associate Professor of Building Constructions Department, Ufa State Petroleum Technological University, Candidate of Engineering Sciences (Ph.D.), Russia

Study of the characteristics of pavement elements made of rein-forced soil with the use of secondary resources
The importance of using secondary resources on the basis of industrial waste is understood by both governments of developed countries and business (production of Portland cement using ground metallurgical slag as a mineral additive at Novotroitsk, Magnitogorsk, Sterlitamak, Katav-Ivanovsk and other plants in the South Urals). The use of secondary raw materials requires the creation of technological infrastructure for processing of secondary raw materials, the costs of which can be quickly recouped due to the cheapness and availability of industrial secondary raw materials and freeing the territory from environmental pollution. In order to recoup the costs of the infrastructure, it is necessary to guarantee full compliance of the quality of pavement elements with the requirements of GOST R 59120-2021. Secondary raw materials have a great variety and laboratory analysis of the quality of pavement elements is required in order to design compositions with the best quality, satisfy-ing all regulatory requirements. In our work the authors present the results of laboratory research and evaluation of the possibility of using clinker-free lime-slag binder based on the mineral product of so-da production and metallurgical slags to strengthen and stabilize soils for their use in pavement struc-tures in the construction of roads for various purposes and climatic zones.
It is experimentally shown that the addition of lime-slag binder in the amount of 8-10% of the dry weight of both cohesive (loamy soil, loamy sand) and non-cohesive (fine sand) soil allows to obtain reinforced soil with improved strength and elastic-deformative characteristics, which can be used in-stead of scarce natural crushed stone and gravel in the construction of underlying layers of pavements in the construction and reconstruction of highways. This technology can be used not only in the Rus-sian Federation, but also in a number of other countries, including those with hot dry climates (e.g., the Republic of Egypt).

Dry mixes on gypsum and mixed bases in the construction of low-rise residential buildings using 3D printing technology
3D-printed building construction technology is developing in most countries, such as France, China, Russia and others, and the dry mixes and equipment used are being improved. The development of 3D-printing construction technology is dictated by its many advantages: architectural diversity, speed and automation of the technological process of construction of buildings and structures with a noticeable reduction in the cost of production. However, there are a number of problems of this technology that are waiting for optimal solutions. The paper proposes solutions to two such problems: firstly, the choice of mixture with gypsum and gypsum-cement binders, ensuring the continuity of the 3D printing process of the building and allowing the construction of buildings up to three floors with sufficient safety margin, high seismic stability, as well as with good heat and noise insulation; secondly, the design of buildings with a rational structural and technological solution of the roof and floor, allowing the interface of these structures with load-bearing printed walls.
Different compositions of dry mixes were tested in a series of field tests of large-sized wall blocks made with the use of a construction 3D-printer and filled with especially light porous expanded claydite, expanded clay concrete or heat-insulating foam gypsum with subsequent testing on press equipment of increased load-carrying capacity (with determination of bearing capacity and deformability of the large-sized block).
When designing low-rise buildings, erected by additive technology, as an optimal design of floors, it is proposed to use frame-monolithic beam structures made of metal thin-walled steel galvanized profiles, filled with foam gypsum mix, providing heat and noise insulation and covered with a thin layer of high-strength self-leveling gypsum mix, providing the necessary structural strength of the floor and, accordingly, the minimum load on the foundation.