This article presents a program for experimental research of the behavior of reinforced concrete slabs when forced through in static and short-term dynamic loading modes. At hazardous production facilities, there is always an increased probability of emergency situations of disaster nature that lead to explosions and are characterized by a sharp increase in the front, a short duration and a wave character. Taking into account the placement of complex technological processes in buildings, it is now necessary to implement “flexible” space-planning solutions, for example, the use of girderless floors. The need to perform these studies is also due to the lack of methods and regulatory documents that regulate the calculation of the penetration of unbalanced monolithic slabs under dynamic loading. The purpose and objectives of this program are: to assess the influence of the thickness of the slab part of samples and the concrete class on the strength and crack resistance of elements, to obtain new experimental data describing the processes occurring in concrete and reinforcement, to identify patterns of destruction of samples. The test was carried out on a test stand based on a copra rig. The choice of sizes of prototypes is determined by the technical characteristics of this installation, the tasks of the experiment, the possibilities of manufacturing and testing models, and obtaining sufficiently reliable values of the parameters under study during testing. Twelve samples were tested for short-term dynamic loading and four samples for static loading. The following parameters vary: the concrete class (B15 and B20) and the thickness of the slab part of the sample (100 mm and 120 mm). The paper describes the dimensions, reinforcement, concrete classes of the studied samples, the sequence of work in the manufacture of samples, taking into account the installation of load cells. The result of this work is the development of a test method for prototypes.
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