5-14 p.
The widespread use of cellular concrete for enclosing structures forces researchers to develop ways to improve their performance and durability. Compositions of aerated and foam concrete with the use of waste heat power engineering have been developed. The optimal formulation ratios have been identified that contribute to the creation of a rigid interpore matrix and water-repellent pore protection. The regularities of the synthesis of aerated concrete and foam concrete were established, which consist in optimizing the processes of structure formation through the use of a polymineral cement-ash binder and a pore-forming agent. The mix composition intensifies the process of hydration of the system, which leads to the synthesis of a polymineral highly porous heterodispersed matrix. The increased activity and granulometry of aluminosilicates predetermine an increase in the number of contacts and mechanical adhesion between particles during compaction, strengthening the framework of the interpore partitions. The mechanism of the influence of the composition of the concrete mix on the microstructure of the composite is established. The calculated sound insulation of airborne noise shows sufficient characteristics for using aerated concrete blocks as enclosing structures. One of the main advantages of aerated concrete is its low thermal conductivity, which is especially important from the point of view of ensuring the energy efficiency of buildings and structures. Even in spite of the high values of open porosity of the developed aerated concrete, the rigid frame makes it possible to achieve almost 2 times higher frost resistance characteristics than that of the reference specimen.
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2. Park S.B., Seo D.S., Lee J. Studies on the sound absorption characteristics of porous concrete based on the content of recycled aggregate and target void ratio Cement and Concrete Research. 2005. doi:10.1016/j.cemconres.2004.12.009
3. Kim H., Hong J., Pyo S. Acoustic characteristics of sound absorbable high performance concrete. Applied Acoustics. 2018. 138. P. 171 – 178.
4. Kim H.K., Jeon J.H., Lee H.K.. Workability, and mechanical, acoustic and thermal properties of lightweight aggregate concrete with a high volume of entrained air. Construction and Building Materials. 2012. 29. P. 193 – 200.
5. Zhang Z., Provis J.L., Reid A., Wang H. Mechanical, thermal insulation, thermal resistance and acoustic absorption properties of geopolymer foam concrete (GFC). Cement and Concrete Composites. 2015. 62. P. 97 – 105.
6. Li X., Liu Q., Pei S., Song L., Zhang X. Structure-borne noise of railway composite bridge: Numerical simulation and experimental validation. Journal of Sound and Vibration. 2015. 353. P. 378 – 394.
7. Keränen J., Hakala J., Hongisto V. The sound insulation of façades at frequencies 5-5000 Hz. Building and Environment. 2019. 156. P. 12 – 20.
8. Laukaitis A, Fiks B. Acoustical properties of aerated autoclaved concrete. Applied Acoustics. 2006. 67. P. 284 – 296.
9. Holmes N, Browne A., Montague C. Acoustic properties of concrete panels with crumb rubber as a fine aggregate replacement. Construction and Building Materials. 2014. 73. P. 195 – 204.
10. Cuthbertson D., Berardi U., Briens C., Berruti F. Biochar from residual biomass as a concrete filler for improved thermal and acoustic properties. Biomass and Bioenergy. 2019. 120. P. 77 – 83.
11. Shawnim P., Mohammad F. Compressive strength of foamed concrete in relation to porosity using SEM images. Journal of Civil Engineering, Science and Technology. 2019. 10 (1). Р. 34 – 44.
12. Nambiar E.K.K. and Ramamurthy K.. Sorption characteristics of foam concrete. Cement and Concrete Research. 2007. 37. P. 1341 – 1347.
13. Khatib J.M., Clay R.M. Absorption characteristics of metakaolin concrete. Cement and Concrete Research. 2004. 34 (1). P. 19 – 29.
14. Jones M.R., Ozlutas K., Zheng L. High-volume, ultra-low-density fly ash foamed concrete. Magazine of Concrete Research. 2017. 69 (22). P. 1146 – 1156 http://dx.doi.org/10.1680/jmacr.17.00063
15. Just A., Middendorf B. Microstructure of high-strength foam concrete, Matererials Characteristics. 2009. 60 (7). P. 741 – 748.
16. Hamad A.J. Materials, production, properties and application of aerated lightweight concrete: review. International Journal of Materials Science Engineering. 2014. 2 (2). P. 152 – 157.
17. Nambiar E.K., Kunhanandan K. Influence of filler type on the properties of foam concrete. Cement and Concrete Composites. 2006. 28 (5). P. 475 – 480.
18. Wee T.H., Daneti S.B., Tamilselvan T., Lim H.S. Air void system of foamed concrete and its effect on mechanical properties. ACI Materials Journal. 2006. 103 (1). P. 45 – 52.
19. Allard J.F. Propagation of Sound in Porous Media. Elsevier Science. Amsterdam. 1993.
20. Attenborough K. Acoustical impedance models for outdoor ground surfaces. Journal of Sound and Vibration. 1985. 99 (4). P. 521 – 544.
21. Johnson D.L., Koplik J., Dashen R. Theory of dynamic permeability and tortuosity in fluid-saturated porous media, Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 1987. 176. P. 379 – 402.
22. Stinson M.R., Champoux Y. Propagation of sound and the assignment of shape factors in model porous materials having simple pore geometries. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 1992. 91 (2). P. 685 – 695.
23. Horoshenkov K.V., Swift M.J. The acoustic properties of granular materials with pore size distribution close to log-normal. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 2001. 110 (5). P. 2371 – 2378.
24. Neithalath N., Marolf A., Weiss J., Olek J. Modeling the influence of pore structure on the acoustic absorption of enhanced porosity concrete. Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology. 2005. 3 (1). P. 29 – 40.
25. Jeon J.Y., Hong J.Y, Kim S.M., Lee P.J. Classification of heavy-weight floor impact sounds in multi-dwelling houses using an equal-appearing interval scale. Building and Environment. 2005. 94. P. 821 – 828.
26. ISO 22007-2:2015, Plastics-determination of thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity. Part 2: Transient plane heat source (Hot Disk) method. 2015.
27. He Y. Rapid thermal conductivity measurement with a hot disk sensor. Part 1: Theoretical considerations. Thermochim. Acta. 2005. 436. P. 122 – 129.
28. Chung S.-Y., Elrahman M.A., Stephan D., Kamm P.H. Investigation of characteristics and responses of insulating cement paste specimens with Aer solids using X-ray micro-computed tomography. Construction and. Building Materials. 2016. 118. P. 204 – 215.
29. Fedyuk R.S., Baranov A.V., Mugahed Amran Y.H. Effect of porous structure on sound absorption of cellular concrete. Construction Materials and Products. 2020. 3 (2). P. 5 – 18. DOI: 10.34031/2618-7183-2020-3-2-5-18
30. Chung S.-Y., Elrahman M.A., Kim J.-S., Han T.-S., Stephan D., Sikora P. Comparison of lightweight aggregate and foamed concrete with the same density level using image-based characterizations. Construction and Building Materials. 2019. 211. P. 988 – 999.
2. Park S.B., Seo D.S., Lee J. Studies on the sound absorption characteristics of porous concrete based on the content of recycled aggregate and target void ratio Cement and Concrete Research. 2005. doi:10.1016/j.cemconres.2004.12.009
3. Kim H., Hong J., Pyo S. Acoustic characteristics of sound absorbable high performance concrete. Applied Acoustics. 2018. 138. P. 171 – 178.
4. Kim H.K., Jeon J.H., Lee H.K.. Workability, and mechanical, acoustic and thermal properties of lightweight aggregate concrete with a high volume of entrained air. Construction and Building Materials. 2012. 29. P. 193 – 200.
5. Zhang Z., Provis J.L., Reid A., Wang H. Mechanical, thermal insulation, thermal resistance and acoustic absorption properties of geopolymer foam concrete (GFC). Cement and Concrete Composites. 2015. 62. P. 97 – 105.
6. Li X., Liu Q., Pei S., Song L., Zhang X. Structure-borne noise of railway composite bridge: Numerical simulation and experimental validation. Journal of Sound and Vibration. 2015. 353. P. 378 – 394.
7. Keränen J., Hakala J., Hongisto V. The sound insulation of façades at frequencies 5-5000 Hz. Building and Environment. 2019. 156. P. 12 – 20.
8. Laukaitis A, Fiks B. Acoustical properties of aerated autoclaved concrete. Applied Acoustics. 2006. 67. P. 284 – 296.
9. Holmes N, Browne A., Montague C. Acoustic properties of concrete panels with crumb rubber as a fine aggregate replacement. Construction and Building Materials. 2014. 73. P. 195 – 204.
10. Cuthbertson D., Berardi U., Briens C., Berruti F. Biochar from residual biomass as a concrete filler for improved thermal and acoustic properties. Biomass and Bioenergy. 2019. 120. P. 77 – 83.
11. Shawnim P., Mohammad F. Compressive strength of foamed concrete in relation to porosity using SEM images. Journal of Civil Engineering, Science and Technology. 2019. 10 (1). Р. 34 – 44.
12. Nambiar E.K.K. and Ramamurthy K.. Sorption characteristics of foam concrete. Cement and Concrete Research. 2007. 37. P. 1341 – 1347.
13. Khatib J.M., Clay R.M. Absorption characteristics of metakaolin concrete. Cement and Concrete Research. 2004. 34 (1). P. 19 – 29.
14. Jones M.R., Ozlutas K., Zheng L. High-volume, ultra-low-density fly ash foamed concrete. Magazine of Concrete Research. 2017. 69 (22). P. 1146 – 1156 http://dx.doi.org/10.1680/jmacr.17.00063
15. Just A., Middendorf B. Microstructure of high-strength foam concrete, Matererials Characteristics. 2009. 60 (7). P. 741 – 748.
16. Hamad A.J. Materials, production, properties and application of aerated lightweight concrete: review. International Journal of Materials Science Engineering. 2014. 2 (2). P. 152 – 157.
17. Nambiar E.K., Kunhanandan K. Influence of filler type on the properties of foam concrete. Cement and Concrete Composites. 2006. 28 (5). P. 475 – 480.
18. Wee T.H., Daneti S.B., Tamilselvan T., Lim H.S. Air void system of foamed concrete and its effect on mechanical properties. ACI Materials Journal. 2006. 103 (1). P. 45 – 52.
19. Allard J.F. Propagation of Sound in Porous Media. Elsevier Science. Amsterdam. 1993.
20. Attenborough K. Acoustical impedance models for outdoor ground surfaces. Journal of Sound and Vibration. 1985. 99 (4). P. 521 – 544.
21. Johnson D.L., Koplik J., Dashen R. Theory of dynamic permeability and tortuosity in fluid-saturated porous media, Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 1987. 176. P. 379 – 402.
22. Stinson M.R., Champoux Y. Propagation of sound and the assignment of shape factors in model porous materials having simple pore geometries. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 1992. 91 (2). P. 685 – 695.
23. Horoshenkov K.V., Swift M.J. The acoustic properties of granular materials with pore size distribution close to log-normal. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 2001. 110 (5). P. 2371 – 2378.
24. Neithalath N., Marolf A., Weiss J., Olek J. Modeling the influence of pore structure on the acoustic absorption of enhanced porosity concrete. Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology. 2005. 3 (1). P. 29 – 40.
25. Jeon J.Y., Hong J.Y, Kim S.M., Lee P.J. Classification of heavy-weight floor impact sounds in multi-dwelling houses using an equal-appearing interval scale. Building and Environment. 2005. 94. P. 821 – 828.
26. ISO 22007-2:2015, Plastics-determination of thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity. Part 2: Transient plane heat source (Hot Disk) method. 2015.
27. He Y. Rapid thermal conductivity measurement with a hot disk sensor. Part 1: Theoretical considerations. Thermochim. Acta. 2005. 436. P. 122 – 129.
28. Chung S.-Y., Elrahman M.A., Stephan D., Kamm P.H. Investigation of characteristics and responses of insulating cement paste specimens with Aer solids using X-ray micro-computed tomography. Construction and. Building Materials. 2016. 118. P. 204 – 215.
29. Fedyuk R.S., Baranov A.V., Mugahed Amran Y.H. Effect of porous structure on sound absorption of cellular concrete. Construction Materials and Products. 2020. 3 (2). P. 5 – 18. DOI: 10.34031/2618-7183-2020-3-2-5-18
30. Chung S.-Y., Elrahman M.A., Kim J.-S., Han T.-S., Stephan D., Sikora P. Comparison of lightweight aggregate and foamed concrete with the same density level using image-based characterizations. Construction and Building Materials. 2019. 211. P. 988 – 999.
Fediuk R.S., Baranov A.V., Ilinsky Yu. Yu., Afonso Rangel Garcez de Azevedo. Performances of high porous cellular concrete. Construction Materials and Products. 2020. 3 (5). P. 5 – 14. https://doi.org/10.34031/2618-7183-2020-3-5-5-14