Rutting is an important problem in Russia today. One of the ways to improve the properties of asphalt concrete mixtures and reduce wear on road surfaces is to modify the binder with polymer additives. The aim of the work was to test the selected compositions of MMAC mixtures containing bitumen modified with the addition of sevilene and rubber for rutting resistance, which make it possible to predict the formation of plastic rut. It was revealed that when using sevilen in its composition, with an increase in the concentration of vinyl acetate, the depth of the track increases in comparison with the industrial polymer-bitumen binder. It is shown that with the introduction of a complex additive based on sevilen and rubber into the binder composition, its rutting decreases and the service life of the road surface increases, which indicates a high elasticity of the complex-modified binder. In this work, the calculation of the service life of the coating before the formation of a critical rut requiring repair of the coating is carried out. It was found that in terms of the slope of the rutting curve and the proportional depth of the rut, the compositions with sevilene and rubber are not inferior to traditional industrial PBB.
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