Concrete composition modifying by different electrically conductive components is one of less laborious but relatively effective methods between wide variety of electrode concrete heating effectiveness improvement methods. The purpose of this study is investigation of special aspects of cement systems modified by powdered shungite (Ssp 400 m2/kg) in combination with active mineral and plasticizing admixtures that harden under electrode heating at below zero temperatures. By the method of differential thermal analysis anomaly of exothermic reaction of cement stone specimens was discovered, that is due to formation of hydrated calcium silicate С2SH (A) discovered by the method of quantitative XRDA, and is verified by results received from scanning electron microscopy method, which among other factors provides higher strength and low permeability to these composites. Stabil-ity of cement systems modified by shungite and curing under electrode heating has been proved.
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[17] Malakooti A., Theh W.S., Sajed Sadati S.M., Ceylan H., Kim H., Mina M., Cetin K., Taylor P.C. Design and Full-scale Implementation of the Largest Operational Electrically Conductive Concrete Heated Pavement System. Construction and Building Materials. 2020. 255. P. 119229.
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[21] Mukhametrahimov R.H., Galautdinov A.R., Garafiev A.M. Patent No. 2725715 Russian Federation, C1 C04B 40/02, 111/20, 103/32, 14/36, 28/00 The method of cold water concreting. pubd. 03.07.2020, Bul. 19.: 2725715. RF.
[22] Mukhametrahimov R.Kh., Galautdinov A.R., Garafiev A.M. Patent No. 2750772 Russian Federation, C2 C04B 40/02, 111/20, 103/32, 14/36, 28/00 The method of cold water concreting of structures. pubd. 02.07.2021, Bul. 19.
[23] Mukhametrahimov R.Kh., Galautdinov A.R., Garafiev A.M. Patent No. 2750883 Russian Federation, C2 C04B 40/02, 111/20, 103/32, 14/36, 28/00 Concreting procedure at temperatures below freezing. pubd. 05.07.2021, Bul. 19.
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[25] Stroganov V.F., Amel’chenko M.O., Mukhametrakhimov R.K., Vdovin E.A., Tabaeva R.K. Increasing the Adhesion of Styrene-Acrylic Coatings Modified by Schungite Filler in Protection of Building Materials. Polymer Science, Series D. 2022. 15 (2). P. 162 – 165.
[26] Lesovik R.V., Klyuyev S.V., Klyuyev A.V., Netrebenko A.V., Kalashnikov N.V. Fiber concrete on composite knitting and industrialsand KMA for bent designs. World Applied Sciences Journal. 2014. 30(8). 964 – 969.
[27] Makul N., Fediuk R., Amran H.M.M., Zeyad Abdullah M., Azevedo A., Klyuev S., Vatin N., Karelina M. Capacity to develop recycled aggregate concrete in south east asia. Buildings. 2021. 11(6). 234.
[28] Fediuk R., Amran M., Klyuev S., Klyuev A. Increasing the performance of a fiber-reinforced concrete for protective facilities. Fibers. 2021. 9(11). 64.
[29] Klyuev S., Fediuk R., Ageeva M., Fomina E., Klyuev A., Shorstova E., Zolotareva S., Shchekina N., Shapovalova A., Sabitov L. Phase formation of mortar using technogenic fibrous materials. Case Studies in Construction Materials. 2022. V. 16. P. e01099.
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[32] Klyuev S., Klyuev A., Fediuk R., Ageeva M., Fomina E., Amran M., Murali G. Fresh and mechanical properties of low-cement mortars for 3D printing. Construction and Building Materials. 2022. № 338. P. 127644. DOI:10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2022.127644.
[33] Klyuev S.V., Klyuev A.V., Shorstova E.S. The micro silicon additive effects on the fine-grassed concrete properties for 3-D additive technologies. Materials Science Forum. 2019. 974. P. 131 – 135.
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[35] Klyuev S., Fediuk R., Ageeva M., Fomina E., Klyuev A., Shorstova E., Sabitov L., Radaykin O., Anciferov S., Kikalishvili D., de Azevedo Afonso R.G., Vatin N. Technogenic fiber wastes for optimizing concrete. Materials. 2022. V. 15(14). P. 5058.
[36] Mukhametrakhimov R.K. Investigation of plasticizing additives based on polycarboxylate esters on the properties of concretes formed by 3D printing. Construction Materials and Products. 2022. 5 (5). P. 42 – 58.
[37] Aleksandrova O., Quang N., Bulgakov B., Fedosov S., Lukyanova N., Petropavlovskaya V. The Effect of Mineral Admixtures and Fine Aggregates on the Characteristics of High-Strength Fiber-Reinforced Concrete. Materials (Basel). 2022. 15 (24). P. 8851.
[38] Garafiev A.M., Mukhamеtrakhimоv R.K. Investigation of percolation of electric current in modified cement composites area for conservation of energy in electrode heating technology. II All-Russian Scientific Conference, dedicated to the centenary of the Moscow State Construction University MISI – MGSU. 2022. P. 109 – 112.
[39] Lukutcova N.P., Pykin A.A., CHudakova O.A. Modifying of fine grained concrete by micro- and nanosize particles of shungite and titanium dioxide. Bulletin of Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov. 2010. 2. P. 66 – 70.
[40] Shilin A.D. Investigation of fine grained concretes developed with te use of mechanoactivated shungite. Materials of reports of the 52d International Science and Technology Conference of teachers and students: in 2 v. 2019. P. 326 – 328.
[41] Rubanik V.V., Shilin A.D., Belous N.Kh., Rodtsevich S.P., Rubanik V.V.Mr., Shilina M.V. The influence of shungite additives on the properties of fine grained plasticized portland cement concretes. Advanced materials and technologies. Materials of international symposium. 2017. P. 301 – 303.
[42] Shablinsky G.E., Lukutsova N.P., Pykin A.A., Tsvetkov K.A. Investigation of dynamic strength and rigidity of products made of fine grained concrete modified by nanostructural shungite filler. Bulletin of MGSU. 2010. 2. P. 231 – 236.
[43] Lukuttsova N.P., Pykin A.A., Shirko S.V., Matsaenko A.A. Techno-environmental feasibility study of getting nanomodifier for concrete. Construction and reconstruction. 2012. 41 (3). P. 42 – 47.
[44] GOST 10060-2012 Concrete. Methods for determining frost resistance. M.: Standartinform. 2014. P. 18.
[45] Lukutcova N.P., Pykin A.A. Theoretical and technological aspects of getting micro- and nanodispersed additives based on shungite contained rocks for concrete. 2013. 223 p.
[46] Urhanova L.A., Savel’eva M.A. Investigation of microstructure and properties of cement stone modified by sulfur sol. Novel technologies in science and education. Materials of the V Russian national Research-to-Practice Conference with international participation. 2017. P. 103 – 112.
[47] Mukhametrahimov, R.Kh. Galautdinov A.R., Garafiev A.M. Electrode concrete heating with the use of electrically condactive mineral. Proceedings of KGASU. 2019. 4 (50). P. 418 – 426.
[48] Urkhanova L.A., Lkhasaranov S.A., Buyantuev S.L., Fedyuk R.S., Taskin A.V. Reducing alkaline corrosion of basalt fiber in concrete. Magazine of Civil Engineering. 2019. 91 (7). P. 112 – 120.
[49] Mukhametrahimov R.K., Galautdinov A.R., Potapova L.I., Garafiev A.M. Investigation of structure formation of modified shungite contained cement stone by means of IR spectroscopy method. Proceedings of KGASU. 2021. 58 (4). P. 70 – 81.
[2] Matus E.P. Numerical simulation of electric curing of fiber reinforced concrete with fibers of high conductivity. Bulletin of Eurasian Sciences. 2019. 2 (11). P. 1 – 9.
[3] Dudin M.O., Vatin N.I., Barabanshchikov Y.G. Modeling a set of concrete strength in the program ELCUT at warming of monolithic structures by wire. Magazine of Civil Engineering. 2015. 54 (02). P. 33 – 45.
[4] Armoosh S.R., Oltulu M. Effect of Different Micro Metal Powders on the Electrical Resistivity of Cementitious Composites. IOP Conference Series Materials Science and Engineering. 2019. 471 (3).
[5] Liu Y., Wang М., Tian W., Qi B., Lei Zh., Wang W. Ohmic heating curing of carbon fiber/carbon nanofiber synergistically strengthening cement-based composites as repair/reinforcement materials used in ultralow temperature environment. Composites Part A Applied Science and Manufacturing. 2019. 125. P. 105570.
[6] Tian W., Liu Y., Qi B., Wang, W. Enhanced effect of carbon nanofibers on heating efficiency of conductive cementitious composites under ohmic heating curing. Cement and Concrete Composites. 2021. 117. P. 103904.
[7] Gomis J., Galao O., Gomis V., Zornoza E., Garcés P. Self-heating and deicing conductive cement. Experimental study and modeling. Construction and Building Materials. 2015. 75. P. 442 – 449.
[8] Bataev V.A., Kudashov A.G., Teplykh A.M., Ognev A.Yu., Alexandrova V.M. Polymer composite based on epoxide resin and strengthened by multi-wall carbon nanotubes. Scientific Bulletin of Novosibirsk State Technical University. 2009. 37 (4). P. 115 – 122.
[9] Mikitaev A.K., Kozlov G.V. Description of strengthening rate of nanocomposites by polymer/carbon nanotubes as part of percolation models. Physics of the Solid State. 2015. 57 (5). P. 961 – 964.
[10] Kondrashov S.V., Gunyaeva A.G., Shashkeev K.A., Barinov D.Ya., Soldatov M.A., Shevchenko V.G., Muzafarov A.M. Electrically-conductive hybrid polymer composite materials on the basis of noncovalent functional carbon nanotubes. Proceedings of VIAM. 2016. 2 (2). P. 10 – 10.
[11] Ryabov S.A., Zakharychev E.A., Semchikov Y.D. Investigation of influence of functionalisation time of carbon nanotubes on physical and mechanical properties of polymer composites based on them. Bulletin of Lobachevsky University of Nizhny Novgorod. 2013. 2-1. P. 71 – 74.
[12] Bocharov G.S., Eletskii A.V., Knizhnik A.A. Nonlinear resistance of polymer composites with carbon nanotube additives in the percolation state. Technical Physics. 2016. 61 (10). P. 1506 – 1510.
[13] Semenov K.V., Drummers Y.G. Thermal crack resistance of massive concrete foundation slabs and its provision in construction winter period. Construction of unique buildings and structures. 2014. 2. P. 125 – 135.
[14] Blokhin A.N. The influence of carbon nanotubes on electric conductivity of epoxy matrix. Issues of modern sciences and practices. Vernadsky University. 2012. 41 (3). P. 384 – 386.
[15] Tian W., Liu Y., Wang М., Wang W. Performance and economic analyses of low-energy ohmic heating cured sustainable reactive powder concrete with dolomite powder as fine aggregates. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2021. 329. P. 129692.
[16] Sassani A., Ali A., Halil C., Sunghwan K., Kasthurirangan G., Taylor P.C., Nahvi А., Polyurethane-carbon microfiber composite coating for electrical heating of concrete pavement surfaces. Heliyon. 2019. 5 (8). P. e02359.
[17] Malakooti A., Theh W.S., Sajed Sadati S.M., Ceylan H., Kim H., Mina M., Cetin K., Taylor P.C. Design and Full-scale Implementation of the Largest Operational Electrically Conductive Concrete Heated Pavement System. Construction and Building Materials. 2020. 255. P. 119229.
[18] Fulham-Lebrasseur R., Sorelli L., Conciatori D. Prefabricated electrically conductive concrete (ECC) slabs with optimized electrode configuration and integrated sensor system. Cold Regions Science and Technology. 2022. 193. P. 103417.
[19] Abolhasani A., Pachenari A., Razavian S.М., Mahdi A.M. Towards new generation of electrode-free conductive cement composites utilizing nano carbon black. Construction and Building Materials. 2022. 323. p. 126576.
[20] Malakooti A., Abdualla H., Sajed Sadati S.M., Ceylan H. Experimental and theoretical characterization of electrodes on electrical and thermal performance of electrically conductive concrete. Composites Part B Engineering. 2021. 222. P. 109003.
[21] Mukhametrahimov R.H., Galautdinov A.R., Garafiev A.M. Patent No. 2725715 Russian Federation, C1 C04B 40/02, 111/20, 103/32, 14/36, 28/00 The method of cold water concreting. pubd. 03.07.2020, Bul. 19.: 2725715. RF.
[22] Mukhametrahimov R.Kh., Galautdinov A.R., Garafiev A.M. Patent No. 2750772 Russian Federation, C2 C04B 40/02, 111/20, 103/32, 14/36, 28/00 The method of cold water concreting of structures. pubd. 02.07.2021, Bul. 19.
[23] Mukhametrahimov R.Kh., Galautdinov A.R., Garafiev A.M. Patent No. 2750883 Russian Federation, C2 C04B 40/02, 111/20, 103/32, 14/36, 28/00 Concreting procedure at temperatures below freezing. pubd. 05.07.2021, Bul. 19.
[24] Kravchenko T.G., Tereshko A.G., Khromilin E.I. Modified electrically conductive shungite concretes. 1985. P. 77 – 84.
[25] Stroganov V.F., Amel’chenko M.O., Mukhametrakhimov R.K., Vdovin E.A., Tabaeva R.K. Increasing the Adhesion of Styrene-Acrylic Coatings Modified by Schungite Filler in Protection of Building Materials. Polymer Science, Series D. 2022. 15 (2). P. 162 – 165.
[26] Lesovik R.V., Klyuyev S.V., Klyuyev A.V., Netrebenko A.V., Kalashnikov N.V. Fiber concrete on composite knitting and industrialsand KMA for bent designs. World Applied Sciences Journal. 2014. 30(8). 964 – 969.
[27] Makul N., Fediuk R., Amran H.M.M., Zeyad Abdullah M., Azevedo A., Klyuev S., Vatin N., Karelina M. Capacity to develop recycled aggregate concrete in south east asia. Buildings. 2021. 11(6). 234.
[28] Fediuk R., Amran M., Klyuev S., Klyuev A. Increasing the performance of a fiber-reinforced concrete for protective facilities. Fibers. 2021. 9(11). 64.
[29] Klyuev S., Fediuk R., Ageeva M., Fomina E., Klyuev A., Shorstova E., Zolotareva S., Shchekina N., Shapovalova A., Sabitov L. Phase formation of mortar using technogenic fibrous materials. Case Studies in Construction Materials. 2022. V. 16. P. e01099.
[30] Klyuev A.V., Kashapov N.F., Klyuev S.V., Zolotareva S.V., Shchekina N.A., Shorstova E.S., Lesovik R.V., Ayubov N.A. Experimental studies of the processes of structure formation ofcomposite mixtures with technogenic mechanoactivated silica component. Construction Materials and Products. 2023. 6 (2). P. 5 – 18.
[31] Rakhimova N.R. Rakhimov R.Z., MorozovV.P., Eskin A.A. Calcined low-grade clays as sources for zeolite containing material. Periodica Polytechnica Civil Engineering. 2021. 65 (1). P. 204 – 214.
[32] Klyuev S., Klyuev A., Fediuk R., Ageeva M., Fomina E., Amran M., Murali G. Fresh and mechanical properties of low-cement mortars for 3D printing. Construction and Building Materials. 2022. № 338. P. 127644. DOI:10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2022.127644.
[33] Klyuev S.V., Klyuev A.V., Shorstova E.S. The micro silicon additive effects on the fine-grassed concrete properties for 3-D additive technologies. Materials Science Forum. 2019. 974. P. 131 – 135.
[34] Khozin V., Khokhryakov O., Nizamov R. A. «Carbon footprint» of low water demand cements and cement-based concrete. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. 2020. 890. P. 012105. 2020.
[35] Klyuev S., Fediuk R., Ageeva M., Fomina E., Klyuev A., Shorstova E., Sabitov L., Radaykin O., Anciferov S., Kikalishvili D., de Azevedo Afonso R.G., Vatin N. Technogenic fiber wastes for optimizing concrete. Materials. 2022. V. 15(14). P. 5058.
[36] Mukhametrakhimov R.K. Investigation of plasticizing additives based on polycarboxylate esters on the properties of concretes formed by 3D printing. Construction Materials and Products. 2022. 5 (5). P. 42 – 58.
[37] Aleksandrova O., Quang N., Bulgakov B., Fedosov S., Lukyanova N., Petropavlovskaya V. The Effect of Mineral Admixtures and Fine Aggregates on the Characteristics of High-Strength Fiber-Reinforced Concrete. Materials (Basel). 2022. 15 (24). P. 8851.
[38] Garafiev A.M., Mukhamеtrakhimоv R.K. Investigation of percolation of electric current in modified cement composites area for conservation of energy in electrode heating technology. II All-Russian Scientific Conference, dedicated to the centenary of the Moscow State Construction University MISI – MGSU. 2022. P. 109 – 112.
[39] Lukutcova N.P., Pykin A.A., CHudakova O.A. Modifying of fine grained concrete by micro- and nanosize particles of shungite and titanium dioxide. Bulletin of Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov. 2010. 2. P. 66 – 70.
[40] Shilin A.D. Investigation of fine grained concretes developed with te use of mechanoactivated shungite. Materials of reports of the 52d International Science and Technology Conference of teachers and students: in 2 v. 2019. P. 326 – 328.
[41] Rubanik V.V., Shilin A.D., Belous N.Kh., Rodtsevich S.P., Rubanik V.V.Mr., Shilina M.V. The influence of shungite additives on the properties of fine grained plasticized portland cement concretes. Advanced materials and technologies. Materials of international symposium. 2017. P. 301 – 303.
[42] Shablinsky G.E., Lukutsova N.P., Pykin A.A., Tsvetkov K.A. Investigation of dynamic strength and rigidity of products made of fine grained concrete modified by nanostructural shungite filler. Bulletin of MGSU. 2010. 2. P. 231 – 236.
[43] Lukuttsova N.P., Pykin A.A., Shirko S.V., Matsaenko A.A. Techno-environmental feasibility study of getting nanomodifier for concrete. Construction and reconstruction. 2012. 41 (3). P. 42 – 47.
[44] GOST 10060-2012 Concrete. Methods for determining frost resistance. M.: Standartinform. 2014. P. 18.
[45] Lukutcova N.P., Pykin A.A. Theoretical and technological aspects of getting micro- and nanodispersed additives based on shungite contained rocks for concrete. 2013. 223 p.
[46] Urhanova L.A., Savel’eva M.A. Investigation of microstructure and properties of cement stone modified by sulfur sol. Novel technologies in science and education. Materials of the V Russian national Research-to-Practice Conference with international participation. 2017. P. 103 – 112.
[47] Mukhametrahimov, R.Kh. Galautdinov A.R., Garafiev A.M. Electrode concrete heating with the use of electrically condactive mineral. Proceedings of KGASU. 2019. 4 (50). P. 418 – 426.
[48] Urkhanova L.A., Lkhasaranov S.A., Buyantuev S.L., Fedyuk R.S., Taskin A.V. Reducing alkaline corrosion of basalt fiber in concrete. Magazine of Civil Engineering. 2019. 91 (7). P. 112 – 120.
[49] Mukhametrahimov R.K., Galautdinov A.R., Potapova L.I., Garafiev A.M. Investigation of structure formation of modified shungite contained cement stone by means of IR spectroscopy method. Proceedings of KGASU. 2021. 58 (4). P. 70 – 81.
Mukhametrakhimov R.Kh., Garafiev A.M., Aleksandrova O.V., Bulgakov B.I. Structure and properties of modified shungite concrete during electrode heating. Construction Materials and Products. 2023. 6 (6). 1.