21-31 p.
In Russia, every year 360 kg of waste per person is formed, which can be eliminated either by recycling or by burying them. Unfortunately, 90% of waste in our country is buried in landfills, while in developed countries, for example France, Australia, Belgium, this figure fluctuates between 40-70%.
In the production of sugar from sugar beet both liquid and solid waste are formed. The total amount of waste in the processing of sugar beet reaches 22 million tons per year, and part of the waste is due to production technology, and other waste may increase, in connection with which programs are being de-veloped to regulate the amount of waste, as well as their disposal. In Belgorod region there are 7 sugar factories, large-capacity waste - defecate is well studied and introduced in various branches of the industry. As a result of their work at the stage of washing of the beets about 170 000 tons conveyor-washing of sediment (CWS) are formed, which have not found practical applications.
Currently, only a small part of the CWS is used for soil fertilization, which has a number of negative effects, since the substances included in the CWS contain the residual amount of pesticides and fertilizers, which will adversely affect the cultivation of crops. Most of this material is taken out together with defects into dumps, where fertile soils are clogged, rot, pollute the air, get into groundwater and cause irreparable damage to the environment.
Analyzing the composition and properties of the conveyor-washing of sludge and in connection with the rapid development of construction, especially housing, there is a need to use it as a pigment filler in silicate paint to make the architectural expression, decorative effectiveness of the conservation and durability of the cladding and painting of external facade of buildings.
All this is closely interconnected and largely depends on the quality of finishing works. Unfortunately, in construction practice there are cases when untimely painting of walls and application of poor-quality materials lead to premature repair of the building, i.e. to unjustified expenses. It is known that the annual cost of the current repair of facades is more than 3% of the total cost of major repairs of houses. Recently ceramic facing of buildings finds wide application, however, it raises very much the price of housing construction and already in 5-6 years on finishing materials there are stains and drips.
In the production of sugar from sugar beet both liquid and solid waste are formed. The total amount of waste in the processing of sugar beet reaches 22 million tons per year, and part of the waste is due to production technology, and other waste may increase, in connection with which programs are being de-veloped to regulate the amount of waste, as well as their disposal. In Belgorod region there are 7 sugar factories, large-capacity waste - defecate is well studied and introduced in various branches of the industry. As a result of their work at the stage of washing of the beets about 170 000 tons conveyor-washing of sediment (CWS) are formed, which have not found practical applications.
Currently, only a small part of the CWS is used for soil fertilization, which has a number of negative effects, since the substances included in the CWS contain the residual amount of pesticides and fertilizers, which will adversely affect the cultivation of crops. Most of this material is taken out together with defects into dumps, where fertile soils are clogged, rot, pollute the air, get into groundwater and cause irreparable damage to the environment.
Analyzing the composition and properties of the conveyor-washing of sludge and in connection with the rapid development of construction, especially housing, there is a need to use it as a pigment filler in silicate paint to make the architectural expression, decorative effectiveness of the conservation and durability of the cladding and painting of external facade of buildings.
All this is closely interconnected and largely depends on the quality of finishing works. Unfortunately, in construction practice there are cases when untimely painting of walls and application of poor-quality materials lead to premature repair of the building, i.e. to unjustified expenses. It is known that the annual cost of the current repair of facades is more than 3% of the total cost of major repairs of houses. Recently ceramic facing of buildings finds wide application, however, it raises very much the price of housing construction and already in 5-6 years on finishing materials there are stains and drips.
1. Torochishnikov N.S., Rodionov A.I., Klushin V.N. Tehnika zashhity okruzhajushhej sredy. M.: Himija. 1981. 368 p. (rus)
2. Lupandina N.S., Sapronova Z.A., Lesovik V.S. Copper and nickel substances extraction from water mediums by waste of disaccharide production. Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences. 2014. 9 (8). P. 310 – 315.
3. Starostina I.V., Sverguzova S.V., Ovcharova I.V. Pendurin E.A. Recycling of microbiological industry waste with the obtaining of foaming agents for building industry. International Journal of Applied Engineering Research. 2015. 10 (21). P. 42701 – 42706.
4. Sverguzova S.V., Starostina I.V., Tarasova G.I., Fomina E.V. Using Ferruginous Quartzite Tailings In Dry Building Mixes. International Yournal of Applied Engineering Research (IJAER). 2015. 10 (24). P. 45082 – 45090.
5. Sverguzova S.V., Tarasova G.I., Starostina I.V., Fedorina M.Y. Composite pigment-filler on the basis of sludge of heat power plant and tails of engichment of ferruterous quartzites. Research Journal of Applied Sciences. 2015. 10 (12). P. 827 – 831.
6. Tarasova G.I., Starostina I.V. Special features of processing siliceous rocks. International Journal of Pharmacy and Technology. 2015. 8 (4). P. 24770 – 24780.
7. Harris E.V., Jones F.E., Church F.C. Carbon blacks in a variety of elastomers. Cabot Corp. Technical Report RG. 1976. 130 p.
8. Slavjanskij A.A. Sahar i osnovy ego proizvodstva. M.: MGUPP. 2005. 121 p. (rus)
9. Slavjanskij A.A., Kirejcheva L.V., Puzanova L.N. Othody saharnogo proizvodstva i ih ispol'zovanie v sel'skom hozjajstve. Sahar. 2009. 10. P. 48 – 49. (rus)
10. Prokopova L.V., Konoplina E.A. Vozdejstvie fil'tracionnyh osadkov na pochvenno-bioticheskij kompleks chernozema vyshhelochennogo. Vestnik VGAU im. K.D.Glinki. 2011. 1 (28). P. 31 – 35. (rus)
11. Zhilkin I.Ja., Girshtel' G.B. Primenenie mestnyh pigmentov dlja otdelki krupnopanel'nyh zdanij. Zhilishhnoe stroitel'stvo. 1961. 10. P. 45. (rus)
12. Kurochkina Z.V. Silikatnye kraski dlja naruzhnoj i vnutrennej otdelki zdanij: Sb. informacionnyh materialov VNIINSM. 1960. 3. S. 32 – 35. (rus)
13. Razgovorov P.B., Ignatov V.A. Stroitel'naja silikatnaja kraska na osnove modificirovannogo natrievogo zhidkogo stekla // Izv. vuzov. Himija i him. tehnologija. 1995. 38 (1-2). P. 183 – 185. (rus)
14. Klimanova E.A., Barshhevskij Ju.A., Zhilkin I.Ja. Silikatnye kraski. Poluchenie, svojstva i primenenie. M.: Strojizdat. 1968. 86 p. (rus)
15. Razgovorov P.B. Sozdanie neorganicheskih kompozicij na osnove modificirovannyh vodorastvorimyh silikatov. Izv. vuzov. Himija i himicheskaja tehnologija. 2012. 55 (10). P. 3 – 14. (rus)
16. Tarasova G.I., Pavlova M.V. Issledovanie vozmozhnosti ispol'zovanija termoliznogo defekata v kachestve napolnitelja v silikatnye kraski. Bezopasnost' zhiznedejatel'nosti. 2012. 8. P. 26 – 28. (rus)
17. Patent RF №2540434. Silikatnaja kraska. Tarasova G.I., Tarasov V.V., Sapronova Zh.A. opubl. 10.02.2015. 4. (rus)
18. Russian State Standart GOST 18958-73. Kraski silikatnye. M.: Izd-vo standartov. 1974. 12 p. (rus)
19. Russian State Standart GOST 21119.8-75. Obshhie metody ispytanij pigmentov i napolnitelej. Opredelenie masloemkosti. M.: Izd-vo standartov. 1999. 5 p. (rus)
20. Russian State Standart GOST 10503-71. Kraski masljanye, gotovye k primeneniju. Tehnicheskie uslovija. M.: Izd-vo Standartov. 10 p. (rus)
21. Gorshkov V.S., Timashev V.V. Metody fiziko-himicheskogo analiza vjazhushhih veshhestv. M.: Vysshaja shkola. 1973. 504 p. (rus)
22. Tarasova G.I. Racional'nyj sposob poluchenija pigmenta-napolnitelja iz metallsoderzhashhih promyshlennyh othodov. Vestnik BGTU im. V.G. Shuhova. 2012. 2. P. 128 – 132. (rus)
2. Lupandina N.S., Sapronova Z.A., Lesovik V.S. Copper and nickel substances extraction from water mediums by waste of disaccharide production. Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences. 2014. 9 (8). P. 310 – 315.
3. Starostina I.V., Sverguzova S.V., Ovcharova I.V. Pendurin E.A. Recycling of microbiological industry waste with the obtaining of foaming agents for building industry. International Journal of Applied Engineering Research. 2015. 10 (21). P. 42701 – 42706.
4. Sverguzova S.V., Starostina I.V., Tarasova G.I., Fomina E.V. Using Ferruginous Quartzite Tailings In Dry Building Mixes. International Yournal of Applied Engineering Research (IJAER). 2015. 10 (24). P. 45082 – 45090.
5. Sverguzova S.V., Tarasova G.I., Starostina I.V., Fedorina M.Y. Composite pigment-filler on the basis of sludge of heat power plant and tails of engichment of ferruterous quartzites. Research Journal of Applied Sciences. 2015. 10 (12). P. 827 – 831.
6. Tarasova G.I., Starostina I.V. Special features of processing siliceous rocks. International Journal of Pharmacy and Technology. 2015. 8 (4). P. 24770 – 24780.
7. Harris E.V., Jones F.E., Church F.C. Carbon blacks in a variety of elastomers. Cabot Corp. Technical Report RG. 1976. 130 p.
8. Slavjanskij A.A. Sahar i osnovy ego proizvodstva. M.: MGUPP. 2005. 121 p. (rus)
9. Slavjanskij A.A., Kirejcheva L.V., Puzanova L.N. Othody saharnogo proizvodstva i ih ispol'zovanie v sel'skom hozjajstve. Sahar. 2009. 10. P. 48 – 49. (rus)
10. Prokopova L.V., Konoplina E.A. Vozdejstvie fil'tracionnyh osadkov na pochvenno-bioticheskij kompleks chernozema vyshhelochennogo. Vestnik VGAU im. K.D.Glinki. 2011. 1 (28). P. 31 – 35. (rus)
11. Zhilkin I.Ja., Girshtel' G.B. Primenenie mestnyh pigmentov dlja otdelki krupnopanel'nyh zdanij. Zhilishhnoe stroitel'stvo. 1961. 10. P. 45. (rus)
12. Kurochkina Z.V. Silikatnye kraski dlja naruzhnoj i vnutrennej otdelki zdanij: Sb. informacionnyh materialov VNIINSM. 1960. 3. S. 32 – 35. (rus)
13. Razgovorov P.B., Ignatov V.A. Stroitel'naja silikatnaja kraska na osnove modificirovannogo natrievogo zhidkogo stekla // Izv. vuzov. Himija i him. tehnologija. 1995. 38 (1-2). P. 183 – 185. (rus)
14. Klimanova E.A., Barshhevskij Ju.A., Zhilkin I.Ja. Silikatnye kraski. Poluchenie, svojstva i primenenie. M.: Strojizdat. 1968. 86 p. (rus)
15. Razgovorov P.B. Sozdanie neorganicheskih kompozicij na osnove modificirovannyh vodorastvorimyh silikatov. Izv. vuzov. Himija i himicheskaja tehnologija. 2012. 55 (10). P. 3 – 14. (rus)
16. Tarasova G.I., Pavlova M.V. Issledovanie vozmozhnosti ispol'zovanija termoliznogo defekata v kachestve napolnitelja v silikatnye kraski. Bezopasnost' zhiznedejatel'nosti. 2012. 8. P. 26 – 28. (rus)
17. Patent RF №2540434. Silikatnaja kraska. Tarasova G.I., Tarasov V.V., Sapronova Zh.A. opubl. 10.02.2015. 4. (rus)
18. Russian State Standart GOST 18958-73. Kraski silikatnye. M.: Izd-vo standartov. 1974. 12 p. (rus)
19. Russian State Standart GOST 21119.8-75. Obshhie metody ispytanij pigmentov i napolnitelej. Opredelenie masloemkosti. M.: Izd-vo standartov. 1999. 5 p. (rus)
20. Russian State Standart GOST 10503-71. Kraski masljanye, gotovye k primeneniju. Tehnicheskie uslovija. M.: Izd-vo Standartov. 10 p. (rus)
21. Gorshkov V.S., Timashev V.V. Metody fiziko-himicheskogo analiza vjazhushhih veshhestv. M.: Vysshaja shkola. 1973. 504 p. (rus)
22. Tarasova G.I. Racional'nyj sposob poluchenija pigmenta-napolnitelja iz metallsoderzhashhih promyshlennyh othodov. Vestnik BGTU im. V.G. Shuhova. 2012. 2. P. 128 – 132. (rus)
Tarasova G.I. The development of compositions of silicate-based paints thermalizing conveyor-washing sediment – waste of the sugar industry. Construction Materials and Products. 2018. 1 (1). P. 21 – 31. https://doi.org/10.34031/2618-7183-2018-1-1-21-31