40-50 p.
Today energy saving and energy efficiency improvement in Russia are priority directions of the country’s energy policy. First of all, when creating an energy-efficient house, it is necessary to think about preventing heat losses through enclosing structures, and only then about reducing lighting costs, optimizing the work of building engineering systems, and the introduction of alternative energy sources. Materials for thermal insulation, the most important characteristic of which is the thermal conductivity, do the main role in the provision of optimal conditions of indoor air. The creation of thermal insulation solutions with improved thermal protection properties is a very acute problem at the moment. In this connection, the purpose of this work was to create effective compositional binders that contribute to the reduction of the density of thermal insulation materials.
Within the framework of the energy-saving program and the development of housing construction of the Russian Federation and the implementation of the Federal Law №185-FZ “On assistance to the reform of housing and communal services”, the creation of new effective building materials with high performance and thermal protection characteristics that can compete with foreign analogues is of great importance.
This article presents new approaches to improve the efficiency of dry heat-insulating mixtures, taking into account the law of affinity structures, which provides for the design of composites using fillers and composite binders of reduced density. Thermal insulation solutions on the basis of dry construction mixtures have superior technology, physical and mechanical and operational performance.
Within the framework of the energy-saving program and the development of housing construction of the Russian Federation and the implementation of the Federal Law №185-FZ “On assistance to the reform of housing and communal services”, the creation of new effective building materials with high performance and thermal protection characteristics that can compete with foreign analogues is of great importance.
This article presents new approaches to improve the efficiency of dry heat-insulating mixtures, taking into account the law of affinity structures, which provides for the design of composites using fillers and composite binders of reduced density. Thermal insulation solutions on the basis of dry construction mixtures have superior technology, physical and mechanical and operational performance.
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8. http://dv.sartpp.ru/news.php?ID=206
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10. Lesovik V.S., Zagorodnuk L.H., Mestnikov A.E., Kudinova A.I., Sumskoi D.A. Designing Of Mortar Compositions On The Basis Of Dry Mixes. International Journal of Applied Engineering Research. 2015. 10 (5). P. 12383 – 12390.
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2. Trofimov B.Ja., Ahtjamov R.Ja., Ahmed'janov R.M. Teploizoljacionnye shtukaturnye rastvory s vermikulitovym zapolnitelem. Cement i ego primenenie. 2002. 3. P. 38 – 39. (rus)
3. Zhukov A.V.Materialy i izdelija na osnove vspuchennogo perlita. M.: Strojizdat, 1972. 59 p. (rus)
4. Strokova V.V., Grinev A.P., Alfimova N.I., Ogurcova Ju.N.. Melkozernistye betony dlja monolitnogo stroitel'stva na osnove syr'ja Hanty-Mansijskogo avtonomnogo okruga. Belgorod: Izd-voBGTUim. V.G. Shuhova, 2011. 107 p. (rus)
5. Alfimova N.I., Vishnevskaja Ja.Ju., Trunov P.V. Kompozicionnye vjazhushhie i izdelija s ispol'zovaniem tehnogennogo syr'ja. Saarbrucken. LAP LAMBERT, 2013. 127 p. (rus)
6. Belov N.V. Himija i kristallohimija silikatov kal'cija. V Vsesojuz. soveshh. po himii cementa: Tez dokl. M., 1978. P. 23 – 29. (rus)
7. Volodchenko A.A., Lesovik V.S., Zagorodnjuk L.H., Volodchenko A.N., Kuprina A.A. The control of building composite structure formation through the use of multifunctional modifiers. Research Journal of Applied Sciences. 2015. 10 (12). P. 931 – 936.
8. http://dv.sartpp.ru/news.php?ID=206
9. Kuprina A.A., Lesovik V. S., Zagorodnyk L. H., Elistratkin M. Y. Anisotropy of Materials Properties of Natural and Man-Triggered Origin. Research Journal of Applied Sciences. 2014. 9. P. 816 – 819.
10. Lesovik V.S., Zagorodnuk L.H., Mestnikov A.E., Kudinova A.I., Sumskoi D.A. Designing Of Mortar Compositions On The Basis Of Dry Mixes. International Journal of Applied Engineering Research. 2015. 10 (5). P. 12383 – 12390.
11. Nacievskij S.Ju. Perlit v sovremennyh betonah, suhih stroitel'nyh smesjah i negorjuchih teploizoljacionnyh izdelijah. M.: Stroitel'nye materialy, 2006. 496 p. (rus)
12. Klochkov A.V., Pavlenko N.V., Strokova V.V., Belencov Ju.A. K voprosu ob ispol'zovanii stekljannyh polyh mikrosfer dlja teploizoljacionno-konstrukcionnyh kladochnyh rastvorov. Vestnik BGTU im. V.G. Shuhova. 2012. 3. P. 64 – 66. (rus)
13. Korneev V.I., Zozulja P.V., Medvedeva I.N., Bogojavlenskaja G.A., Nuzhdina N.I. Recepturnyj spravochnik po suhim stroitel'nym smesjam. SPb.: RIA «Kvintet», 2010. 318 p. (rus)
14. Puchka O.V., Sergeev S.V., Vajsera S.S., Kalashnikov N.V. Vysokojeffektivnye teploizoljacionnye materialy na osnove tehnogennogo syr'ja. Vestnik BGTU im. V.G. Shuhova. 2013. 2. P. 51 – 55. (rus)
15. Puchka O.V., Stepanova M.N., Naumova Ja.G., Kalashnikov N.V. Ocenka kachestva i stoimosti tep-loizoljacionnyh materialov dlja ograzhdajushhih konstrukcij. Stroitel'nye materialy. 2008. 12. P. 22 – 24. (rus)
Zagorodnyuk L.Kh., Lesovik V.S., Sumskoy D.A. Thermal insulation solutions of the reduced density. Construction Materials and Products. 2018. 1 (1). P. 40 – 50. https://doi.org/10.34031/2618-7183-2018-1-1-40-50