The paper presents an analysis of information quality assurance of production of asphalt concrete mixtures, as well as the study of the relationship of the qualitative composition of asphalt concrete mixtures and physical and mechanical characteristics of asphalt concrete pavement. The study of the main characteristics was carried out on the example of asphalt concrete type B and grade I and crushed-mastic asphalt concrete – SchMA-20. It is established that the deviation of asphalt mixtures in composition from the required values leads to their under-compaction in the pavement. It is also established that increasing the number of inconsistencies in the asphalt concrete mixture leads to an increase of physical-mechanical characteristics that differ from the requirements of GOST 9128-2013 and GOST 31015-2002 respectively. As an information base for the assessment of the influence of granulometry of the mineral part of asphalt concrete, as well as the amount of bitumen on the main characteristics of asphalt concrete, the data of the current ACP of Belgorod region were used. Analysis of the particle size distribution was carried out using a laser analyzer of asphalt ABA7/35B. The obtained data became the basis for a further study of the influence of various parameters on the properties of asphalt mixes, as well as improving the efficiency of the asphalt mix production management system.
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