Bobneva A.N.

Project Manager, “Peterburgskie dorogi”, Russia

Methods of storm water drainage from the roadway in flat urban areas
The research examines the issues of timely and efficient water drainage from the roadway in flat urban areas in the face of numerous forecasts of an increase in the intensity of precipitation intensity and the frequency of showers. The article considers the existing methods of water drainage using a “sawtooth” profile along the edge of the roadway. “Sawtooth” profile schemes were designed in accordance with the current regulatory documents. Unfavorable factors affecting the design and construction of this solution were noted. The article identifies and shows the problem pieces where the “sawtooth” profile method was used on the existing streets. A survey about the driving comfort on the streets with “sawtooth” profile was conducted and its result was shown. The study concluded about the expediency of changes the methods of water drainage from the roadway in flat urban areas. Recommendations were made on the need for changes in the current regulatory documents in order to improve the efficiency of water drainage during periods of increased moisture on the roadway without sacrificing the driving comfort.