Lushpaev M.I.

Senior Lecturer, Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, Department of Structural and Design Engineering, Russia

Сompositional analysis: the project of the III Communist International Monument (Tatlin Tower)
The authors of the article broadcast information about the study of the compositional activity of architects of Soviet Russia in the 20s of the XX century. in line with the trend of "constructivism". The study of three-dimensional architectural composition is considered by the authors as the separation of the "indivisible whole" (integrity – the law of composition) and "unchangeable for further im-provement" (it is impossible to make changes without deterioration of the already created, completed composition) artificially created object – organism of universal laws and means. The authors believe that the study of high–class Heritage samples is based on the separation of formal (composite) ele-ments (contrast, plastic, texture, plane – volume, rhythm, modular divisions, construction, engineering materials, walls, floors, ceilings, fasteners, etc.) from an artificially created composite organism. The analysis allows you to develop compositional thinking, taste and teaches you to understand the course and origins of the Master's compositional thought. The study of the formal (compositional) sphere of the Heritage of the classics of modernity and past eras allows you to build the path of the author's work on the project, avoiding mistakes and disappointments.

Compositional analysis: synthesis of abstract painting and architecture of the 20s of the XX century
The authors broadcast information about the union of architecture and abstract painting and the identification, fixation of the laws and means of composition that were used in the creation of the well-known creative products of architecture, painting, design. The article analyzes the prerequisites for the emergence of an international style that easily integrates into any cultural environment, historical buildings, due to the presence in the products of this direction of the maximum formal sphere and almost complete leveling of the content part in an artificially created compositional form. The study of high-class Heritage samples allows you to develop taste and teaches you to understand the course and origins of the Master’s compositional thought. The study of the formal (compositional) sphere allows you to build the path of the author's work on the project, avoiding mistakes and disappointments.