Assessment of the quality of the urban environment in the process of construction project management
Recently, the construction of residential buildings in the Russian Federation has been carried out at an accelerating pace, not only in large cities, but in almost all regions of our country. In the current conditions, the issues of rational planning of residential development within the framework of urban construction development are becoming increasingly relevant. At the same time, an important role is assigned to the methods of assessing the quality of such planning. The analysis of the available methods of this kind carried out by the author indicates that at the moment, there are practically no adequate and objective methods for quantifying the degree of accessibility of critical social infrastruc-ture facilities of the city in relation to newly constructed or already existing residential buildings.
Based on the results of the applied research carried out within the framework of writing the pre-sented scientific work, the author proposed an innovative method for quantifying the degree of acces-sibility of socially significant urban objects relative to residential structures. The proposed methodolo-gy is unique in that, thanks to the use of such a universal and statistically accessible indicator as the average level of wages, experts have the opportunity to conduct a comparative assessment of the de-gree of accessibility of social objects, not only located within a walking distance, but also at longer distances, involving the use of public passenger transport.
The application of the methodology proposed in the framework of writing this applied scientific work for assessing the quality of the urban environment for the accessibility of socially significant in-frastructure objects relative to the location of residential buildings will allow, on a mathematically ac-curate quantitative basis, not only to assess the effectiveness of the work of regional state authorities and local self-government as qualitatively and objectively as possible, but also to conduct a compara-tive analysis of the quality layouts of newly designed residential neighborhoods. In addition, this tech-nique may be of practical interest to realtors and developers in the development and practical imple-mentation of various types of business processes, both in the field of housing construction and in the sale of residential buildings and premises.
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