Based on the experiments conducted by the authors, a six-parameter failure criterion for concrete has been developed, which makes it possible to take into account the volumetric stress state in strength calculations of massive concrete and reinforced concrete structures. The developed strength criterion is adapted to a spatial eight-node finite element (solid type) and implemented in the PRINS software. To verify the developed criterion, the work provides a com-parison with both experimental data and calculation results that meet other strength criteria widely used for concrete. Thus, the compression and tension meridians of the developed fracture criterion were compared with experimental data, as well as with the Willam & Warnke criterion and the modified Drucker & Prager criterion with Mohr & Coulomb constants. A comparison of compression meridians shows that in the mode of low hydrostatic stresses , these criteria converge with each other and with experimental data. In the mode of average hydrostatic stresses , the criterion proposed by the authors and the Willam & Warnke criterion show similar results, while the modified Drucker & Prager criterion shows on 20% overestimation of the failure value.
In the mode of high hydrostatic stresses , the Willam & Warnke criterion in com-parison with the proposed criterion and experimental data, gives an underestimated value of concrete failure.
In the mode of high hydrostatic stresses , the Willam & Warnke criterion in com-parison with the proposed criterion and experimental data, gives an underestimated value of concrete failure.
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[20] Gabet T., Malecot Y., Daudeville L. Ultimate strength of plain concrete under extreme combined stresses. Revue Européenne de Génie Civil. 2006. 10. P. 375 – 389. DOI:10.1080/17747120.2006.9692834
[21] Shi L., Wang L., Song Y., Shen, L. Dynamic multiaxial strength and failure criterion of dam concrete. Construction and Building Materials. 2014. 66. P. 181 – 191. DOI: 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2014.05.076
[2] Zienkiewicz O.C., Taylor R.L. The finite element method for solid and structural mechanics. Sixth edition. McGraw-Hill. 2005. 631 p.
[3] Mohammed J. Alttaee, Majid M.A. Kadhim, Sarmed S. Altayee, Ali H. Adheem. Employment of damage plasticity constitutive model for concrete members subjected to high strain-rate. Proceedings of the 1st International Multi-Disciplinary Conference Theme: Sistainable Development and Smart Planning. IMDC-SDSP 2020. June 2020. DOI: 10.4108/eai.28-6-2020.2298164
[4] Hu L., Li S., Zhu J., Yang X. Mathematical model of constitutive relation and failure criteria of plastic concrete under true triaxial compressive stress. Materials. 2021. 14 (1). 102.
[5] Korsun V.I., Nedorezov A.V., Makarenko S.Yu. Comparative analysis of strength criteria for concrete. Modern Industrial and Civil Construction. 2014. 10 (1) P. 65 – 78. URL:
[6] Zhenpeng Yu, Qiao Huang, Furong Li, Yue Qin, Jun Znang. Experimental study on mechanical properties and failure criteria of self-compacting concrete under biaxial tension-compression. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering. 2019. 31. 10.1061/(ASCE)MT.1943-5533.0002675
[7] Tan T.H. Effects of triaxial stress on concrete. 30th Conference on our world in concrete and structures. CI Premier Pte Ltd. Singapore: CI Premier Pte Ltd. 2005. 10 p. URL: http:/ / 100/30/100030007.pdf
[8] Wang H.L, Song Y.P. Behavior of mass concrete under biaxial compression‐tension and triaxial compression‐compression‐tension. Mater. Struct. 2009. 42. P. 241 – 249. doi:10.1617/s11527‐008‐9381‐y
[9] Karpenko N.I., Eryshev V.A., Latysheva, E.V. Stress-strain diagrams of concrete under repeated loads with compressive stresses. Procedia Engineering. 2015. 111. P. 371 – 377. DOI:10.1016/j.proeng.2015.07.103
[10] Karpenko N.I., Karpenko S.N. About diagram method for construction of the physical proportions for concrete and reinforced concrete elements under volumetric (triaxial) stress state. Textile Industry Technology. 2016. 4 (364). P. 28 – 34.
[11] Karpenko N.I., Karpenko S.I. To determine the strength of concrete under triaxial compress. Concrete Technologies. 2014. 10 (99). P. 40 – 41.
[12] Wang J., Xie F., Zhang C., Ruan J. Experimental study and failure criterion analysis on combined compression-shear performance of self-compacting concrete. Materials. 2020. 13 (3). P. 713. DOI: 10.3390/ma13030713
[13] Thomas Gabet, Malecot Yann, Daudeville Laurent. Ultimate strength of plain concrete under extreme combined stresses. Revue Européenne de Génie Civil. 2006. 10. P. 375 – 389. DOI: 10.1080/17747120.2006.9692834
[14] Agapov V.P., Markovich A.S. Nonlinear models of concrete and reinforced concrete structures. Theory and implementation in VK PRINCE. Mocsow. RUDN. 2023. 264 p.
[15] Willam K.J., Warnke E.P. Constitutive model for the triaxial behavior of concrete. Proceedings of IABSE. Structural Engineering Report 19. Section III. 1975. P. 1 – 30.
[16] Telichko V.G., Ziborov L.A. Strength study under biaxial compression of concrete of class B-25. Izvestiya Tula State University. 2009. P. 89 – 94.
[17] Chen W.F. Plasticity in Reinforced Concrete. J. Ross Publishing. Softcover. 2007. 474 p.
[18] Bofang Zhu. The finite element method: fundamentals and applications in civil, hydraulic, mechanical and aeronautical engineering. John Wiley & Sons Singapore Pte. Ltd. 2018. 872 p.
[19] Zhou Y., Liu X., Xing F., Cui H., Sui L. Axial compressive behavior of FRP-confined light-weight aggregate concrete: an experimental study and stress-strain relation model. Construction and Building Materials. 2016. 119. P. 1 – 15. DOI: 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2016.02.180
[20] Gabet T., Malecot Y., Daudeville L. Ultimate strength of plain concrete under extreme combined stresses. Revue Européenne de Génie Civil. 2006. 10. P. 375 – 389. DOI:10.1080/17747120.2006.9692834
[21] Shi L., Wang L., Song Y., Shen, L. Dynamic multiaxial strength and failure criterion of dam concrete. Construction and Building Materials. 2014. 66. P. 181 – 191. DOI: 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2014.05.076
Agapov V.P., Markovich A.S. Failure criterion for concrete under volumetric stress state conditions. Construction Materials and Products. 2023. 6 (6). 7.