Traditional methods of calculation of rivet joints are based on very approximate methods of determining the forces arising in the connection. This leads to serious inaccuracies in the determination of stresses. In addi-tion, this approach makes it impossible to calculate equivalent stresses and obtain a complete picture of the stress-strain state of the joint. All this leads to the need to increase the factor of safety and, as a consequence, increase the number or diameter of rivets, which leads to an increase in the weight of the structure and its rise in price. The proposed method of calculating the connection by the finite element method allows to determine the stresses in all elements of the connection very accurately. This makes it possible to obtain a reliable picture of the stress-strain state of all elements of the compound. As a result, it is possible to reduce the complexity of the compound and its mass by reducing the number of rivets. The finite element method should be used to calculate critical compounds with complex operating conditions. The example of calculation of such connection is considered.
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