The purpose of the article is to analyze modern innovative technologies in construction and to develop a method of network planning in construction based on the BIM model.
A clearly defined goal allows to identify the main tasks aimed at its implementation:
- analysis of practical and theoretical experience in the field of innovative technologies at various stages of construction production;
- identification of the research direction and theoretical justification of the chosen direction;
- justification of the practical effectiveness of the selected areas;
- defining a list of innovative methods that serve as a basis for further analysis and conclusions:
- design of the object network planning system based on BIM technologies and network design.
In this work, it is planned to show the algorithm of operations for the use of calendar planning on mass construction sites, adapted for different situations.
The research work allows identifying the advantages of using information modeling of buildings for the stage of operation of the object. The developed basic methodology for organizing functional processes can help improve the established system of housing stock operation. Based on the experience of this study, it is possible to develop this topic in the field of network planning and implementation on practical objects.
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