25-32 p.
The article analyzes the influence of cultural, social, religious, scientific and technical factors on the historical development, current status and future directions of development of the architecture of medical institutions in Yemen. The research attempted to study the features of the work of medical institutions in Yemen. The study begins with a description of the literature on a general overview of the location, geographic sections, climate and economy of the port city of Yemen. The study describes the problems and factors that influence the design of medical institutions in Yemen. The current situation demonstrates a tendency towards centralization of attention on the patient himself and the doctor-patient system. The hospital should create the most comfortable conditions for the patient, and the medical staff acts as consultants. That is, patients should receive maximum attention, sympathy and psychological assistance. Based on this position, architectural decisions should take into account the relationship between the doctor and the patient. The architectural design of medical facilities in hot climates should be carried out taking into account the regional characteristics of the environment. The choice of a construction site for the architectural and planning organization of a network of medical institutions for children and adults must be made based on the general conditions for the development of the city and its suburban area. The theoretical and methodological basis of the study are the provisions and conclusions of the works of domestic and foreign scientists in the field of development of the architecture of medical institutions. The research used materials from scientific seminars and conferences. In the process of research, a systematic approach and logical analysis methods were used. The scientific literature notes that the modern concept of the formation of the architectural and spatial environment of urban hospitals is associated with modern medical technologies, as well as with the increasing role of medical institutions at the present stage.
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2. Miles D. Yemen Arab Republic: the construction industry. Development and Urban Metamorphosis, Background Papers. The Aga Khan Award for Architecture. 1984. 2 (57). P. 158.
3. Sultan B. and Kajewski S. 2003, ‘The Yemen Construction Industry: Readying the Industry for the Successful Implementation of Sustainability’, International Conference on Smart and Sustainable Built Environment (SASBE2003) 19th- 21st November 2003, Brisbane, Australia. 59. P. 92.
4. Sultan B. and Kajewski S. Local problems in the construction industry of Yemen’, International Symposium on globalization and Construction W107 Construction in Developing Economies, November 17-19, 2004 Bangkok, Thailand. 2004. 21. P. 548.
5. Basel Sultan. Structural and finishing costs in Yemen’, a paper accepted for the International Conference in Building Education and Research (BEAR) CIB W89, to be held in Kandalama, Sri Lanka 10th-15th February. 2008.
6. Klyuev S.V. Osnovy konstruktivnoj organizacii prirodnyh i iskusstvennyh materialov. Sovremennye tekhnologii v promyshlennosti stroitel'nyh materialov i strojindustrii: sb. stud. dokl. Mezhdunarodnogo kongressa: v 2 ch. CH. 1. Belgorod: Izd-vo BGTU im. V.G. SHuhova, 2003. P. 161 – 163. (rus.)
7. Klyuev S.V., Klyuev A.V. Predely identifikacii prirodnyh i inzhenernyh system. Fundamental'nye issledovaniya. 12 (2). 2007. P. 366 – 367. (rus.)
8. Benai H.A., Radionov T.V. Metodicheskie meropriyatiya, rekomenduemye pri vypolnenii proektov po rekonstrukcii ob"ektov tipovoj zastrojki. Suchasnі problemi arhіtek turi і mіstobuduvannya. 2013. 34. P. 42 – 47. (rus.)
9. SHoluh N.V., Gavrikov V.S. K voprosu ob adaptacii dorozhno-ulichnyh prostranstv goroda k potrebnostyam malomobil'nyh grupp naseleniya. Sovremennoe promyshlennoe i grazhdanskoe stroitel'stvo. 2010. 6 (2). P. 69 – 75. (rus.)
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12. Genova B.T. Principy sistemnogo formirovaniya gibkoj planirovochnoj struktury i ee primeneniya pri rekonstrukcii bol'nichnyh kompleks6ov: na primere okruzhnyh bol'nic v NRB: avtoref. dis. … kandidata. arh. Moskva, 1981. 18 p. (rus.)
13. CHebereva O.N. Principy strukturirovaniya ob"emno-prostranstvennogo resheniya medicinskih stacionarov v svete predstoyashchej rekonstrukciia. Privolzhskij nauchnyj zhurnal. 2007. 1. P. 118 – 122. (rus.)
14. Tesler N.D. Analiz tipov rekonstrukcii mnogo funkcional'nyh medicinskih ob"ektov. Promyshlennoe i grazhdanskoe stroitel'stvo. 2016. 5. P. 36 – 41. (rus.)
Kolesnikova T.N., Mohammed Hasan Al-Nahari. Influence of cultural, social, religious and scientific and technical factors on the historical development, current state and future directions of development of the architecture of medical institutions in Yemen. Construction Materials and Products. 2019. 2 (5). P. 25 – 32. https://doi.org/10.34031/2618-7183-2019-2-5-25-32