Injection mortars based on composite cements for soil fixation
The fixation of subsidence soils is an important practical scientific and technical task, which makes it possible to carry out construction and repair work on weak (subsidence) base soils. Composite cements (CC) have been developed, including aluminosilicates (AS), obtained by enrichment of ash and slag mixture (up to 65 wt.%), Portland cement clinker and gypsum. Based on the developed CC, a wide range of injection solutions with water-binding ratios from 1.0 to 2.0, including screening of crushed granite from 0.7 fineness modules, has been created. The developed injection mortars are capable of effectively fixing the soils of the foundations of underground structures, providing the strength of the soil-concrete mass up to 25.6 MPa with a deformation modulus of 10.1 GPa. According to the sedimentation analysis of solutions, it can be seen that these materials have a percentage of water separation from 22.5% at W/B=1 to 36.5% at W/B=2. At the same time, the viscosity indicators of these materials indicate a high penetrating ability, since the time of the expiration of mortars through a Marsh viscometer for mortars IR5 and IR6 is 39 and 40 seconds at W / B = 1.5 and W/ B = 2, respec-tively. The effect of increasing the density of injection mortars on composite cement at the age of 28 days was maximum at an AS dosage of 45% by weight, then it decreased with an increase in the con-tent of the aluminosilicate component. There are high ratios of the values of strength properties on the second day to similar indicators in the 28-days age: for compressive strength 0.24 (0.20-0.22 for addi-tive-free clinker compositions), for flexural strength 0.16 (0.15 for additive-free clinker compositions; while increasing the AS content above 45%, this ratio decreases to 0.14). High early strength makes it possible to effectively use injection mortars for urgent fixing of soils during the repair of underground structures.
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