Keywords: building

Consideration of dynamic impacts in the design of cantilever structures
The article is devoted to the question of the influence of the constructive solution of cantilever structures on the indicators of rigidity and dynamic comfort of the building. The analysis of the influence of the solution of cantilever structures on dynamic indicators is carried out on the example of a building with a metal spatial frame having a cantilever part with a span of 22 meters. Two variants of the building frame were compared in terms of rigidity and dynamic comfort under wind and seismic influences. The calculations were performed in the certified software package "Lira-SAPR". A modal analysis was performed, the frequencies and forms of natural oscillations were determined, the maxi-mum acceleration of the overlap of the cantilever part of the building was determined. It is established that with constant metal consumption, increasing the height of the crossbars due to the use of through structures can significantly increase the rigidity of the system and provide the required indicators of dynamic comfort. Performing dynamic calculations at the stage of variant design allows you to choose the optimal variant of the structural solution of the building

The group of deformed structures includes buildings that have received unacceptable subsidence and deformation during the period of their construction and especially operation, which, however, do not interfere with the performance of their main functions, but may eventually collapse. Their causes are errors in engineering and geological surveys and design; violation of the rules for performing construction work and operation of buildings and structures. Long-term geodetic observations of the precipitation of the foundations of buildings on pile foundations have shown that both absolute and relative stabilized values of subsidence in the vast majority of cases are less than them and the normative limit values are calculated. Therefore, the group of deformed buildings on pile foundations includes somewhat less often similar objects with shallow foundations. The reasons for excessive subsidence of the foundations of pile foundations of buildings (and as a result, the occurrence and development of cracks and other deformations in load – bearing structures), in addition to these, are most often: unjustified use of increasing correction coefficients for the results of compression tests of highly acidic soils; the lower ends of the piles falling into layers of weak soil; the tip of the piles sinking from the design mark; overestimation of the bearing capacity of the piles due to non-compliance with the optimal time of their "rest" after immersion or erroneous interpretation of the graphs "load-pile sediment"; excessively close placement of neighboring piles in the plan, which when they are immersed, especially in the sand, leads to "pushing" up previously submerged; uneven loading of piles as part of the grillage; deformation of existing buildings and structures when driving piles near and tongue-and-groove, the development of pits, etc.

The study of the complex influence of weather and climatic factors and their variability on the needs of energy and exergy when creating thermal comfort in a house with various engineering and architectural characteristics is carried out. It is confirmed that even for houses with relatively low thermal characteristics built in accordance with regulatory documents, the role of solar radiation in the formation of the heat balance, especially at the beginning and end of the heating season, is important. Studies showed that due to the combined influence of external meteorological factors, with the improvement of the thermal characteristics of houses, the correlation between the energy demand for creating a favorable microclimate and the outdoor air temperature significantly worsens. It is determined that in this case, the value of the approximation reliability decreases from 1 (with a linear dependence) to 0.55 and lower (with the maximum possible improved thermal characteristics of the house today). This position significantly corrects the operating modes and characteristics of the ST. In particular, this makes it necessary to improve the automatic control system of ST. And this, in turn, increases the investment component of the system. A method was developed for calculating exergy needs to create thermal comfort inside the house by taking into account, using the probability theory, the influence of the random nature of meteorological factors within the heating period, on the basis of which, in the conditions of the region, it is shown and calculated that when de-termining the seasonal exergy needs for the heat supply of the house, the use of a stationary approach leads to an underestimation of the results by 12...28% compared to the dynamic approach.

This article discusses the main aspects of the location of primary health care facilities in Yemen. We studied the requirements directly for the site of such medical care institutions. It is also revealed how to determine the correct orientation of the building center. In addition, the functional components and construction sites of primary care facilities are described. The components of a medical center include: the first floor – a medical center, the second floor - a doctor's apartment, a security room, an electric generator, an incinerator for medical waste, and a fence for a medical center. The article defines the architectural principles and elements of the project of medical centers. These elements of the project of primary health care institutions include: the main entrance, administrative department, medical services section, examination rooms, rest rooms, radiology room, surgical ward, pharmacy, mechanics section. The general design assumptions for the building of primary health care are discussed. Design standards for these institutions are identified.