Consideration of dynamic impacts in the design of cantilever structures
The article is devoted to the question of the influence of the constructive solution of cantilever structures on the indicators of rigidity and dynamic comfort of the building. The analysis of the influence of the solution of cantilever structures on dynamic indicators is carried out on the example of a building with a metal spatial frame having a cantilever part with a span of 22 meters. Two variants of the building frame were compared in terms of rigidity and dynamic comfort under wind and seismic influences. The calculations were performed in the certified software package "Lira-SAPR". A modal analysis was performed, the frequencies and forms of natural oscillations were determined, the maxi-mum acceleration of the overlap of the cantilever part of the building was determined. It is established that with constant metal consumption, increasing the height of the crossbars due to the use of through structures can significantly increase the rigidity of the system and provide the required indicators of dynamic comfort. Performing dynamic calculations at the stage of variant design allows you to choose the optimal variant of the structural solution of the building