50-57 p.
This article discusses the main aspects of the location of primary health care facilities in Yemen. We studied the requirements directly for the site of such medical care institutions. It is also revealed how to determine the correct orientation of the building center. In addition, the functional components and construction sites of primary care facilities are described. The components of a medical center include: the first floor – a medical center, the second floor - a doctor's apartment, a security room, an electric generator, an incinerator for medical waste, and a fence for a medical center. The article defines the architectural principles and elements of the project of medical centers. These elements of the project of primary health care institutions include: the main entrance, administrative department, medical services section, examination rooms, rest rooms, radiology room, surgical ward, pharmacy, mechanics section. The general design assumptions for the building of primary health care are discussed. Design standards for these institutions are identified.
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3. Klyuev S.V. Osnovy konstruktivnoj organizacii prirodnyh i iskusstvennyh materialov. Sovremennye tekhnologii v promyshlennosti stroitel'nyh materialov i strojindustrii: sb. stud. dokl. Mezhdunarodnogo kongressa: v 2 ch. CH. 1. Belgorod: Izd-vo BGTU im. V.G. SHuhova, 2003. P. 161 – 163. (rus.)
4. Klyuev S.V., Klyuev A.V. Predely identifikacii prirodnyh i inzhenernyh system. Fundamental'nye issledovaniya. 2007. 12 (2). P. 366 – 367. (rus.)
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8. Abdul Majid al-Khalidi, Guide to National models for establish and equip health facilities in the Republic of Yemen, Sana'a 2005. 16 s.
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Kolesnikova T.N., Al-Nahari Mohammed Hasan. Architecture planning and design concepts of primary health care institutions in Yemen. Construction Materials and Products. 2019. 2 (6). P. 50 – 57. https://doi.org/10.34031/2618-7183-2019-2-6-50-57